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Single-File Processing

API Name Description
Capture Process an image or file to derive important information.


Process an image or file to derive important information. It can optionally use a specified template for the capture.

CCapturedResult* Capture(const char* filePath, const char* templateName="");
CCapturedResult* Capture(const unsigned char *fileBytes, int fileSize, const char* templateName="");
CCapturedResult* Capture(const CImageData* pImageData, const char* templateName="");


[in] filePath Specifies the path of the file to process.

[in] templateName Specifies a CaptureVisionTemplate to use for capturing.

[in] fileBytes Specifies the memory location containing the image to be processed.

[in] fileSize Specifies the size of the image in bytes.

[in] pImageData Specifies the image data to process.


  • There are two types of CaptureVisionTemplate: the preset ones which come with the SDK and the custom ones that get initialized when the user calls InitSettings / InitSettingsFromFile.
  • Please be aware that the preset CaptureVisionTemplates will be overwritten should the user call InitSettings / InitSettingsFromFile and pass his own settings.
  • If parameter templateName is not specified, the preset one named ‘Default’ will be used. However, if the preset ones have been overwritten as described above, the first CaptureVisionTemplate from the user’s own settings will be used instead.

Return Value

Returns a pointer to a CCapturedResult object containing the captured items.

Error Code Value Description
EC_NULL_POINTER -10002 The ImageData object is null.
EC_FILE_NOT_FOUND -10005 The file is not found.
EC_FILE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED -10006 The file type is not supported.
EC_TEMPLATE_NAME_INVALID -10036 The target template name is invalid.
EC_CALL_REJECTED_WHEN_CAPTURING -10062 Function call is rejected when capturing in progress.
EC_MULTI_PAGES_NOT_SUPPORTED -10066 The api does not support multi-page files. Please use FileFetcher instead.

Code Snippet

int errorCode = 0;
char szErrorMsg[256];
errorCode = CLicenseManager::InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", szErrorMsg, 256);
if (errorCode != ErrorCode::EC_OK && errorCode != ErrorCode::EC_LICENSE_CACHE_USED)
    cout << "License initialization failed: ErrorCode: " << errorCode << ", ErrorString: " << szErrorMsg << endl;
    CCaptureVisionRouter* router = new CCaptureVisionRouter();
    CCapturedResult* result = router->Capture("path/to/file.png", "myTemplate");
    // other codes...
    delete router;

See Also

CImageData CCapturedResult

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