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The COriginalImageResultItem class represents a captured original image result item. It is a derived class of CCapturedResultItem and provides an interface to get the image data.


Namespace: dynamsoft::basic_structures

Assembly: DynamsoftCore

class COriginalImageResultItem: public CCapturedResultItem

Methods Summary

Method Description
GetImageData Gets the image data for the COriginalImageResultItem.

Inherited Methods

The following methods are inherited from class CCapturedResultItem.

Method Description
GetType Gets the type of the captured result item.
GetReferenceItem Gets a pointer to the referenced item in the captured result.


Gets the image data for the COriginalImageResultItem.

virtual const CImageData* GetImageData() const = 0;

Return value

Returns a const pointer to the CImageData object that contains the image data for the COriginalImageResultItem.

See Also


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