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The CQuadrilateral class represents a quadrilateral shape in 2D space. It contains an array of four CPoint objects, which represent the vertices of the quadrilateral.


Namespace: dynamsoft::basic_structures

Assembly: DynamsoftCore

class CQuadrilateral 

Attributes Summary

Attribute Type
points CPoint

Methods Summary

Method Description
Contains Determines whether a point is inside the quadrilateral.
GetArea Gets the area of the quadrilateral.


The point array of the quadrilateral.

CPoint points[4]

See Also



Determines whether a point is inside the quadrilateral.

bool Contains(const CPoint* point) const


[in] point The point to test.

Return value

Returns true if the point inside the quadrilateral, false otherwise.

See Also



Gets the area of the quadrilateral.

int GetArea() const

Return value

Returns the area of the quadrilateral.

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