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The CObservationParameters class is used to set filter conditions for the CIntermediateResultReceiver, so that only intermediate results meeting specific conditions will be called back.


Namespace: dynamsoft::intermediate_results

Assembly: DynamsoftCore

class CObservationParameters 

Methods Summary

Method Description
SetObservedResultUnitTypes Sets the types of intermediate result units that have been observed.
GetObservedResultUnitTypes Gets the types of intermediate result units that have been observed.
IsResultUnitTypeObserved Determines whether the specified result unit type was observed.
AddObservedTask Adds observed task name to be notified when relevant results are available.
RemoveObservedTask Remove the observed task name so that intermediate results generated by the task are not notified.
IsTaskObserved Determines whether the specified task was observed.
SetResultUnitTypesOnlyForInput Set the type of intermediate result unit that indicates skipping default calculations and replacing with input data units.
GetResultUnitTypesOnlyForInput Gets the type of intermediate result unit that indicates skipping default calculations and replacing with input data units.
IsResultUnitTypeOnlyForInput Determines whether the specified type of intermediate result unit indicates skipping default calculations and replacing with input data units.


Sets the types of intermediate result units that have been observed.

void SetObservedResultUnitTypes(unsigned long long types) 


[in] types The observed types of intermediate result units.

See Also



Gets the types of intermediate result units that have been observed.

unsigned long long GetObservedResultUnitTypes() const

Return value

The observed types of intermediate result units.

See Also



Determines whether the specified result unit type was observed.

bool IsResultUnitTypeObserved(IntermediateResultUnitType type) const

Return value

Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified result unit type was observed.

See Also



Adds observed task name to be notified when relevant results are available.

void AddObservedTask(const char* taskName)


[in] taskName The specified task name.


Remove the observed task name so that intermediate results generated by the task are not notified.

void RemoveObservedTask(const char* taskName)


[in] taskName The specified task name.


Determines whether the specified task was observed.

bool IsTaskObserved(const char* taskName) const


[in] taskName The specified task name.

Return value

Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified task was observed.


Set the type of intermediate result unit that indicates skipping default calculations and replacing with input data units.

virtual void SetResultUnitTypesOnlyForInput(unsigned long long types) = 0;


types: The type of intermediate result unit that serves as the combination value of IntermediateResultUnitType.


Gets the type of intermediate result unit that indicates skipping default calculations and replacing with input data units.

virtual unsigned long long GetResultUnitTypesOnlyForInput() const = 0;


Returns the type of intermediate result unit that serves as the combination value of IntermediateResultUnitType.


Determines whether the specified type of intermediate result unit indicates skipping default calculations and replacing with input data units.

virtual bool IsResultUnitTypeOnlyForInput(IntermediateResultUnitType type) const = 0;


type: The type of intermediate result unit to check.


Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified type of intermediate result unit indicates skipping default calculations and replacing with input data units.

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