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North America Driver License and Identification


The AAMVA DL/ID Card Design Standard specified by the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) defines how to encode machine-readable information in PDF417 and magnetic stripe.

Dynamsoft Code Parser supports all versions of the AAMVA DL/ID specification (2000, 2003, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016) and specifies two code types:



The exposed fields for each code type is defined as below:


Field Name Description
CodeType Code type, always has value “AAMVA_DL_ID”
AAMVAVersionNumber AAMVA Version Number
issuerIdentificationNumber Issuer Identification Number (IIN)
jurisdictionVersionNumber Jurisdiction Version Number
fullName Full name of cardholder
Present in version 1 (2000)
lastName Last name of cardholder
givenName Given name of cardholder
firstName First name of cardholder
middleName Middle name of cardholder
suffix Name suffix
prefix Name prefix
street_1 Street portion of the cardholder address
street_2 Second line of street portion of the cardholder address
city City portion of the cardholder address
jurisdictionCode State portion of the cardholder address
postalCode Postal code portion of the cardholder address
residenceStreet_1 Driver Residence Street Address 1
Present in version 1 (2000)
residenceStreet_2 Driver Residence Street Address 2
Present in version 1 (2000)
residenceCity Driver Residence City
Present in version 1 (2000)
residenceJurisdictionCode Driver Residence Jurisdiction Code
Present in version 1 (2000)
residencePostalCode Driver Residence Postal Code
Present in version 1 (2000)
licenseNumber License/ID Number
vehicleClass Jurisdiction-specific vehicle class / Driver License Classification Code
restrictionCode Jurisdiction-specific codes that represent restrictions to driving privileges
endorsementsCode Jurisdiction-specific codes that represent additional privileges granted to the cardholder beyond the vehicle class
heightInCentimeters Height in centimeters
Present in version 1 (2000)
height Height of cardholder
weightInKilograms weight in kilograms
weightInPounds weight in pounds
eyeColor Eye Color
hairColor Hair color
expirationDate Expiration Date
birthDate Date of Birth
sex Sex
issuedDate Date on which the document was issued
issueTimestamp Issue Timestamp used by some jurisdictions to validate the document against their data base
numberOfDuplicates Number of duplicate cards issued for a license or ID if any
medicalIndicator Medical Indicator/Codes
organDonorIndicator Indicator that the cardholder is an organ donor
nonResidentIndicator Non-Resident Indicator
customerIdentifier Unique Customer Identifier
socialSecurityNumber Social Security Number
alternativeBirthDate Driver ‘AKA’ Date Of Birth
alternativeSocialSecurityNumber Driver ‘AKA’ Social Security Number
nameAlias Driver ‘AKA’ Name
lastNameAlias Alias/’AKA’ Last Name
givenNameAlias Alias/’AKA’ Given Name
firstNameAlias Alias/’AKA’ First Name
middleNameAlias Alias/’AKA’ Middle Name
suffixAlias Alias/’AKA’ Suffix
prefixAlias Alias/’AKA’ Prefix
permitClassificationCode Driver Permit Classification Code
permitExpirationDate Driver Permit Expiration Date
permitIdentifier Permit Identifier
permitIssuedDate Driver Permit Issue Date
permitRestrictionCode Driver Permit Restriction Code
permitEndorsementCode Driver Permit Endorsement Code
weightRange Indicates the approximate weight range of the cardholder
documentDiscriminator Document Discriminator Number
issuingCountry Country in which DL/ID is issued
federalCommercialVehicleCodes Federal Commercial Vehicle Codes
birthPlace Place of birth
auditInfomation Audit information
inventoryControlNumber Inventory control number
race Codes for race or ethnicity of the cardholder
standardVehicleClassification Standard vehicle classification code(s)
standardEndorsementsCode Standard endorsement code(s)
standardRestrictionCode Standard restriction code(s)
vehicleCodeDescription Jurisdiction-specific vehicle classification description
endorsementsCodeDescription Jurisdiction-specific endorsement code description
restrictionCodeDescription Jurisdiction-specific restriction code description
complianceType Compliance Type, ‘F’ = fully compliant and ‘N’ = non-compliant.
cardRevisionDate Card Revision Date
hazmatEndorsementExpirationDate Date on which the hazardous material endorsement granted by the document is no longer valid
limitedDurationDocumentIndicator Limited Duration Document Indicator
familyNameTruncation Family name truncation. A code that indicates whether a field has been truncated (T), has not been truncated (N), or –unknown whether truncated (U)
firstNameTruncation First name truncation. A code that indicates whether a field has been truncated (T), has not been truncated (N), or –unknown whether truncated (U)
middleNameTruncation Middle name truncation. A code that indicates whether a field has been truncated (T), has not been truncated (N), or –unknown whether truncated (U)
under18Until Date on which the cardholder turns 18 years old
under19Until Date on which the cardholder turns 19 years old
under21Until Date on which the cardholder turns 21 years old
veteranIndicator Indicator that the cardholder is a veteran
jurisdictionSubfiles Jurisdiction-Specific Fields


Field Name Description
CodeType Code type, always has value “AAMVA_DL_ID_WITH_MAG_STRIPE”
track1 Information in track 1
stateOrProvince Mailing or residential code
city City portion of the cardholder address
name Full name of cardholder
address Mailing address
LRCforTrack1 Longitudinal redundancy check used to verify the data of field track1
track2 Information in track 2
ISOIIN The assigned identification number from ISO
DLorID_Number The DL/ID number assigned by each jurisdiction
expirationDate Date of expiry
expirationYear Year of expiry
expirationMonth Month of expiry
birthDate Date of birth
birthYear Year of birth
birthMonth Month of birth
birthDay Day of birth
DLorID_NumberOverflow Overflow for DL/ID number longer than 13 characters
LRCforTrack2 Longitudinal redundancy check used to verify the data of field track2
track3 Information in track 3
magStripeVersion The version level of the mag stripe format
jurisdictionVersion The jurisdiction version level of the mag stripe format
postalCode Postal code
class Represents the type of DL (ANSI codes modified for CDLIS)
restrictions Restrictions
endorsements Endorsements
sex Sex
height Height
weight Weight
hairColor Hair Color
eyeColor Eye Color
discretionaryData1 Discretionary data for use by each jurisdiction
discretionaryData2 Discretionary data for use by each jurisdiction
securityFunction Discretionary data for use by each jurisdiction
LRCforTrack3 Longitudinal redundancy check used to verify the data of field track3

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    • Latest version
    • Version 2.x
      • Version 2.2.11
      • Version 2.2.0
      • Version 2.0.20
      • Version 2.0.10
      • Version 2.0.0
    • Documentation Homepage
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