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South Africa Driver License


The fields parsed from the South African driver’s license are currently limited to some personal information, while the full information will be parsed in a future release.



The exposed fields for code type SOUTH_AFRICA_DL is defined as below:

Field Name Description
CodeType Code type, always has value “SOUTH_AFRICA_DL”
idNumber ID Number
idNumberType ID number type
idIssuedCountry ID Country of Issue
surname Surname
gender Gender of the licence holder
initials Initials
birthDate Date of birth
driverRestrictionCodes Driver restriction codes
licenseIssuedCountry License Country of Issue
licenseIssueNumber License issue number
licenseNumber License Number
licenseValidityFrom License Valid From
licenseValidityTo License Valid To
professionalDrivingPermitExpiryDate PrDP permit expiry date
professionalDrivingPermitCodes PrDP Code
vehicleLicense Vehicle Licenses
vehicleCode_1 First category of vehicle the licence holder is entitled to drive
vehicleRestriction_1 Vehicle Restriction
licenseCodeIssuedDate_1 License code issue date
vehicleCode_2 Second category of vehicle the licence holder is entitled to drive
vehicleRestriction_2 Second Vehicle Restriction
licenseCodeIssuedDate_2 Second license code issue date
vehicleCode_3 Third category of vehicle the licence holder is entitled to drive
vehicleRestriction_3 Third Vehicle Restriction
licenseCodeIssuedDate_3 Third license code issue date
vehicleCode_4 Fourth category of vehicle the licence holder is entitled to drive
vehicleRestriction_4 Fourth Vehicle Restriction
licenseCodeIssuedDate_4 Fourth license code issue date

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