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ParsedResultItem Class

ParsedResultItem is the basic unit of a parsed result. It stores the field name, value and additional information.


Namespace: com.dynamsoft.dcp

Assembly: DynamsoftCodeParser.aar

class ParsedResultItem extends CapturedResultItem
Method Description
getCodeType Gets the code type of the parsed result.
getFieldMappingStatus Gets the mapping status of a specified field from the parsed result.
getFieldValidationStatus Gets the validation status of a specified field from the parsed result.
getFieldValue Gets the value of a specified field from the parsed result.
getJsonString Gets the parsed result as a JSON formatted string.


Gets the code type of the parsed result.

String getCodeType();

Return Value

Returns a string value representing the code type. It can be one of the following:

  • “MRTD_TD1_ID”
  • “MRTD_TD2_ID”
  • “VIN”


Gets the parsed result as a JSON formatted string.

String getJsonString();

Return Value

Returns a JSON formatted string representing the parsed result.


Gets the value of a specified field from the parsed result.

String getFieldValue(String fieldName);


[in] fieldName: The name of the field.

View more information about the field names of all supported code types.

Return Value

Returns a string representing the specified field value.


Gets the mapping status of a specified field from the parsed result. Certain fields in the parsed result, such as the residing province or state, are abbreviated (e.g. BC standing for British Columbia). The library takes such fields and maps them to their full form. If the mapping is successful, the MappingStatus will be MS_SUCCEEDED. To learn of the other options of MappingStatus, please refer to the link below.

EnumMappingStatus getFieldMappingStatus(String fieldName);


[in] fieldName: The name of the field.

Return Value

Returns a MappingStatus enumeration value representing the mapping status of a specified field.

See Also



Gets the validation status of a specified field from the parsed result. Certain fields can be validated with one of four possible validation methods: certification, checksum, length, and regex. Whether a field is validated or not, as well as the validation method, is determined by the code specification e.g. AAMVA specification.

EnumValidationStatus getFieldValidationStatus(String fieldName);


[in] fieldName: The name of the field.

Return Value

Returns a ValidationStatus enumeration value saying whether the validation of a specified field was successful, failed, or if it did not require validation.

See Also



Get the field names and values of the parsed fields as a HashMap. The field names are stored as the key of the HashMap while the field values are stored as the value.

HashMap<String, String> getParsedFields();

Return Value

A HashMap that contains the names and values of the parsed fields.

View more information about the field names of all supported code types.

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