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Other Viewers

Browse Viewer

Browse Viewer is used to display pages in multiple-mode, pages can be multiple selected in this viewer.

const browseViewer = new Dynamsoft.DDV.BrowseViewer({
    container: document.getElementById("viewer"),

browseViewer.openDocument("docUid"); // Open a document which has pages

Select page(s) via programming

  • Select the second and third pages by using selectPages().

  • Select all pages by using selectAllPages().


Multiple select via UI

To enable multiple select mode, you need to set multiselectMode to true.

In this case, you can select multiple pages by clicking on them in the viewer without the need to additionally press the Ctrl key.

browseViewer.multiselectMode = true;

Custom Viewer

Custom Viewer does not have any built-in UI or functionality, it is used for creating your own viewer.

const customViewer = new Dynamsoft.DDV.CustomViewer({
    container: document.getElementById("viewer"),

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