Resource Base
Table of contents

Viewer Config

The viewer configurations and styles are configured by viewerConfig when creating the viewer.


Each viewer class has its own viewerConfig structure. Please refer to the links below and check the details.

CustomViewer does not have viewerConfig.

Default viewerConfig

DDV will provide the default viewerConfig for each viewer.


    canvasStyle: {
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    canvasStyle: {
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    inkCreateDelay: 1000, 
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        rectangle: defaultShapeStyle,
        ellipse: defaultShapeStyle,
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                start: Dynamsoft.DDV.EnumLineEnding.NONE,
                end: Dynamsoft.DDV.EnumLineEnding.NONE,
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                start: Dynamsoft.DDV.EnumLineEnding.NONE,
                end: Dynamsoft.DDV.EnumLineEnding.NONE,
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        textTypewriter: {
            opacity: 1,
            textContent: defaultTextContent,
        stamp: {
            opacity: 1,
            stamp: Dynamsoft.DDV.EnumStampIcon.DRAFT,

const baseStyle = {
    borderWidth: 3,  //The unit is point.
    borderColor: rgb(0,0,0),
    opacity: 1,

const defaultShapeStyle = {
    background: '',
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const defaultTextContent = {
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    showOnTopWhenSelected: false,
    enableContinuousDrawing: false,
    defaultStyleConfig: {
        rectangle: defaultShapeStyle,
        polygon: defaultShapeStyle,
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                start: Dynamsoft.DDV.EnumLineEnding.NONE,
                end: Dynamsoft.DDV.EnumLineEnding.NONE,
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const baseStyle = {
    borderWidth: 1,  //The unit is point.
    borderColor: rgb(0,0,0),
    opacity: 1,

const defaultShapeStyle = {
    background: '',
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const defaultTextContent = {
    content: "",
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    canvasStyle: {
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    enableAutoCapture: false,
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    enableDragPage: true,
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Developers can customize it to achieve their own requirement. Please refer to How to customize viewer.

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