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Android API references

Primary Class - CameraEnhancer


Method Description
CameraEnhancer Initialize the CameraEnhancer object.
initLicense Sets product key and activate the SDK.
getVersion Get the SDK version.

Basic Camera Control Methods

Method Description
getAllCameras Get all available cameras. This method returns a list of available camera IDs.
selectCamera Select and active a camera from the camera list with the camera ID.
getSelectedCamera Get the camera ID of the current selected camera.
getCameraState Get the state of the currently selected camera.
open Turn on the current selected camera.
close Turn off the current selected camera.
pause Pause the current selected camera.
resume Resume the current selected camera.
turnOnTorch Turn on the torch.
turnOffTorch Turn off the torch.
setFrameRate Set the frame rate to the input value (if the input value is available for the device).
getFrameRate Get the current frame rate.
getResolutionList Get all available resolutions.
setResolution Set the resolution to the input value (if the input value is available for the device).
getResolution Get the current resolution.
setZoom Set the zoom factor. Once setZoom is triggered and approved, the zoom factor of the actived camera will immediately become the input value.
setFocus Set the focus position (value range from 0.0f to 1.0f) and trigger a focus at the configured position.
setScanRegion Set the scan region with a RegionDefinition value. The frame will be cropped according to the scan region.
getScanRegion Get the scan region.
setScanRegionVisible Set whether to display the scanRegion on the UI.
getScanRegionVisible Get whether the scanRegion will be displayed on the UI.

Frame Acquiring Methods

Method Description
getFrameFromBuffer Get the latest frame from the buffer. The input boolean value determines whether the fetched frame will be removed from the buffer.
addListener Add a listener to the Camera Enhancer instance.
removeListener Remove a preciously added listener from the Camera Enhancer instance.

Enhanced Features

Method Description
enableFeatures Enable DCE features with Enumeration value.
disableFeatures Disable DCE features with Enumeration value.
isFeatureEnabled Returns a boolean value that means whether the feature(s) you input is (are) enabled.

Camera UI Methods

Method Description
setCameraView Sets camera video streaming UI. Read more from DCECameraView.
getCameraView Gets camera video streaming UI. Read more from DCECameraView.

Advanced Camera Control Methods

Method Description
updateAdvancedSettingsFromFile Update advanced parameter settings including filter, sensor and focus settings from a JSON file.
updateAdvancedSettingsFromString Update advanced parameter settings including filter, sensor and focus settings from a JSON string.

Auxiliary Classes



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version 2.1.3

  • Latest version
  • Version 4.x
    • Version 4.2.10
    • Version 4.2.1
    • Version 4.2.0
    • Version 4.0.2
    • Version 4.0.1
    • Version 4.0.0
  • Version 3.x
    • Version 3.0.3
    • Version 3.0.2
    • Version 3.0.1
    • Version 3.0.0
  • Version 2.x
    • Version 2.3.21
    • Version 2.3.20
    • Version 2.3.12
    • Version 2.3.11
    • Version 2.3.10
    • Version 2.3.5
    • Version 2.3.4
    • Version 2.3.3
    • Version 2.3.2
    • Version 2.3.1
    • Version 2.3.0
    • Version 2.1.4
    • Version 2.1.3
    • Version 2.1.1
    • Version 2.0.0
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