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CameraEnhancer Class

The main class of CameraEnhancer library. It contains APIs that enable user to:

  • Implement basic camera control like open, close, change resolution, etc.
  • Get frames from the video streaming.
  • Enable advanced features including:
    • Frame filtering by sharpness
    • Frame filtering by sensor
    • Enhanced focus
    • Frame cropping
    • Auto zoom
    • Smart torch control
class com.dynamsoft.dce.CameraEnhancer

Initialization Methods Summary

Method Description
CameraEnhancer Initialize the CameraEnhancer object.
initLicense Sets product key and activate the SDK.
getVersion Get the SDK version.

Basic Camera Control Methods Summary

Method Description
getAllCameras Get all available cameras. This method returns a list of available camera IDs.
selectCamera(String) Select a camera from the camera list with the camera ID.
getSelectedCamera Get the camera ID of the current selected camera.
getCameraState Get the state of the currently selected camera.
open Turn on the current selected camera.
close Turn off the current selected camera.
pause Pause the current selected camera.
resume Resume the current selected camera.
turnOnTorch Turn on the torch.
turnOffTorch Turn off the torch.
getFrameRate Get the current frame rate.
getResolutionList Get all available resolutions.
setResolution Set the resolution to the input value (if the input value is available for the device).
getResolution Get the current resolution.
setZoom Set the zoom factor. Once setZoom is triggered and approved, the zoom factor of the actived camera will immediately become the input value.
getMaxZoomFactor Get the maximum available zoom factor.
setFocus Focus once at the input position.
setScanRegion Set the scan region with a RegionDefinition value. The frame will be cropped according to the scan region.
getScanRegion Get the scan region.
setScanRegionVisible Set whether to display the scanRegion on the UI.
getScanRegionVisible Get whether the scanRegion will be displayed on the UI.
setFrameRate Deprecated, will be removed in v3.0. Set the frame rate to the input value (if the input value is available for the device).

Frame Acquiring Methods Summary

Method Description
getFrameFromBuffer Get the latest frame from the buffer. The boolean value determines whether the fetched frame will be removed from the buffer.
addListener Add a listener to the camera enhancer instance.
removeListener Remove a previously added listener from the camera enhancer instance.
takePhoto Take a photo from the camera and save the image in the memory.

Enhanced Features Methods Summary

Method Description
enableFeatures Enable camera enhancer features by inputting EnumEnhancerFeatures values.
disableFeatures Disable camera enhancer features by inputting EnumEnhancerFeatures values.
isFeatureEnabled Check whether the input features are enabled.

Camera UI Methods Summary

Method Description
setCameraView Set the object of DCECameraView
getCameraView Get the object of DCECameraView

Advanced Camera Control Methods Summary

Method Description
updateAdvancedSettingsFromFile Update advanced parameter settings including filter, sensor and focus settings from a JSON file.
updateAdvancedSettingsFromString Update advanced parameter settings including filter, sensor and focus settings from a JSON string.


Initialization Methods Details


Initialize the CameraEnhancer Object.

CameraEnhancer(Activity activity)


activity: An instance of

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 



Set product key and activate the SDK.

static void initLicense(String license, DCELicenseVerificationListener listener)


license: The product key.
listener: The listener that handles callback when the license server returns. See also DCELicenseVerificationListener.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer.initLicense("Put your license here", new DCELicenseVerificationListener(){
    public void DCELicenseVerificationCallback(boolean b, Exception e) {
        if (!b && e != null) {



Get the SDK version of Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer.

String getVersion()

Return Value

A string value that stands for the camera enhancer SDK version.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 
String DCEVersion = cameraEnhancer.getVersion();


Basic Camera Control Methods Details


Get the IDs of all available cameras.

String[] getAllCameras()

Return Value

An array list that inclueds all available cameras. Users can clearly read whether the camera is front-facing, back-facing or external from the cameraID.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 
String[] cameraIds = cameraEnhancer.getAllCameras();



Select camera by cameraID. The camera will be selected and further camera control settings will be applied to this camera. When the selected camera is changed by selecting another camera via this method, the settings applied to this camera will be inherited by the newly selected camera.

void selectCamera(String cameraID) throws CameraEnhancerException


cameraID: A String value that listed in the cameraIDList returned by getAllCameras. The method will have no effects if the input value does not exist in the cameraIDList.


An exception thrown to indicate an error has occurred when switching the camera.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 


  • There is always a back-facing camera be defined as a default camera. If the user doesn’t select any camera via selectCamera, the default camera will be considered as the selected camera.
  • If there is no opened camera, the method selectCamera will not open any camera.
  • If there is an opened camera and the opened camera’s ID exactly equals the input ID, the method selectCamera will make no changes.
  • If there is an opened camera and the opened camera’s ID is different from the input ID, the method selectCamera will close the currently opened camera and then open a new camera by the input ID.



Get the ID of the currently selected camera.

String getSelectedCamera()

Return Value

The ID of the current selected camera.


CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 
String selectedCameraID = cameraEnhancer.getSelectedCamera();



Get the state of the currently selected camera.

EnumCameraState getCameraState()

Return Value

One of the preset camera state in Enumeration EnumCameraState.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this);
int cameraState = cameraEnhancer.getCameraState();



  • Turn on the selected camera if a camera has been selected via selectCamera.
  • Turn on the default camera if no camera is selected via selectCamera.
void open() throws CameraEnhancerException


An exception thrown to indicate an error has occurred when the device is opening the camera.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this);;



  • Turn off the selected camera if a camera has been selected via selectCamera.
  • Turn off the default camera if no camera is selected via selectCamera.
void close() throws CameraEnhancerException


An exception thrown to indicate an error has occurred when the device is closing the camera.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 



  • Pause the selected camera if a camera has been selected via selectCamera.
  • Pause the default camera if no camera is selected via selectCamera.
void pause() throws CameraEnhancerException


An exception thrown to indicate an error has occurred when the device is pausing the camera.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 


If the pause method is triggered:

  • The camera UI will be stopped on the last captured frame before you pause the camera.
  • The camera is still open.
  • The video streaming input is not stopped.
  • DCE video buffer will continue appending frames.



  • Resume the selected camera if a camera has been selected via selectCamera.
  • Resume the default camera if no camera is selected via selectCamera.
void resume() throws CameraEnhancerException


An exception thrown to indicate an error has occurred when the device is resuming the camera.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 



Turn on the torch (if the torch of the mobile device is available).

void turnOnTorch() throws CameraEnhancerException


An exception thrown to indicate an error has occurred when the device is turning on the torch.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 



Turn off the torch.

void turnOffTorch() throws CameraEnhancerException


An exception thrown to indicate an error has occurred when the device is turning off the torch.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 



Get the current frame rate.

int getFrameRate()

Return Value

The current frame rate.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 

int frameRate = cameraEnhancer.getFrameRate();



Check the available resolutions of the current device.

List<Size> getResolutionList()

Return Value

A list that contains all available resolutions.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 

List<Size> resolutionList = cameraEnhancer.getResolutionList();



Input a preset resolution value in Enumeration Resolution. The camera enhancer will try to set the resolution to the target value or the closest available value below the target value.

void setResolution(EnumResolution resolution) throws CameraEnhancerException


resolution: One of the int value that preset in Enumeration EnumResolution.


An exception thrown to indicate an error has occurred when trying to change the resolution.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 




Get the current resolution.

Size getResolution()

Return Value

The size of the current resolution.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 

Size currentResolution = cameraEnhancer.getResolution();



Set the zoom factor. The camera will zoom in/out immediately after this method is triggered.

void setZoom(float factor) throws CameraEnhancerException


factor: The target zoom factor.


An exception thrown to indicate an error has occurred when trying to zoom-in or zoom-out.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 




Get the maximum available zoom factor.

float getMaxZoomFactor()

Return Value

A float value that indicates the maximum available zoom factor of the device.

Code Snippet

float maxZoomFactor = cameraEnhancer.getMaxZoomFactor();


Set the focus position (value range from 0.0f to 1.0f) and trigger a focus at the configured position.

void setFocus(float x, float y) throws CameraEnhancerException


x: The x-coordinate of the targeting focus position.
y: The y-coordinate of the targeting focus position.


An exception thrown to indicate an error has occurred when trying to trigger a focus.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 




Specify the scan region. The DCEFrames will be cropped according to the scan region before they are stored in the video buffer.

void setScanRegion(RegionDefinition scanRegion) throws CameraEnhancerException


scanRegion: Use a RegionDefinition value to specify the scan region. The parameter will be optimized to the maximum or minimum available value if the input parameter is out of range. For more information, please view RegionDefinition class.


How to set scan region


An exception thrown to indicate the region parameter is invalid.

Code Snippet

com.dynamsoft.dce.RegionDefinition scanRegion = new RegionDefinition();
scanRegion.regionTop = 25;
scanRegion.regionBottom = 75;
scanRegion.regionLeft = 25;
scanRegion.regionRight = 75;
scanRegion.regionMeasuredByPercentage = 1;

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this);
try {
} catch (CameraEnhancerException e) {


  • The region definition defines the region on the camera view. For each value of the class RegionDefinition:
    • The regionTop is the distance between the top of the scan region and the top of the video frame.
    • The regionBottom is the distance between the bottom of the scan region and the top of the video frame.
    • The regionLeft is the distance between the left of the scan region and the left of the video frame.
    • The regionRight is the distance between the right of the scan region and the left of the video frame.
  • When you trigger setScanRegion, the enhancer feature EF_FAST_MODE will be disabled.
  • You will still get the original DCEFrame from FrameOutputCallback and cropped DCEFrame from getFrameFromBuffer. The cropRegion of DCEFrame will be configured based on the scanRegion when setScanRegion is triggered.
  • When you trigger setScanRegion, the scanRegion will be displayed on the UI automatically. If you don’t want to display the scanRegion on the UI, please set the scanRegionVisible to false manually.



Get the scan region configurations. You will get a null value if the scan region is not set.

RegionDefinition getScanRegion()

Return Value

The return value of getScanRegion is always the actual parameter of the scanRegion, which might be different from the user input parameter. If scanRegion is not configured or the method setScanRegion is not approved, the return value will be null.

Code Snippet

com.dynamsoft.dce.RegionDefinition myScanRegion = new RegionDefinition();

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this);
myScanRegion = cameraEnhancer.getScanRegion(scanRegion);



Set whether to display the scanRegion on the UI. The default value is false. When the value is set to true, the scan region will be displayed on the UI. The scanRegion will not be displayed if the scanRegion value is null.

void setScanRegionVisible(boolean scanRegionVisible)


scanRegionVisible: When the value is set to true, the scanRegion will be displayed on the UI. Otherwise, the scanRegion will not be displayed.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 




Get whether the scanRegion will be displayed on the UI.

boolean getScanRegionVisible()

Return Value

When the return value is true, the scanRegion will be displayed. Otherwise, the scanRegion will not be displayed.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 

boolean scanRegionVisible = cameraEnhancer.getScanRegionVisible();



Note: The method is deprecated in v9.0.2 and will be removed in v10.0 release.

Camera Enhancer will try to set the frame rate around the input value.

void setFrameRate(int frameRate) throws CameraEnhancerException


frameRate: An int value that refers to the target frame rate.


An exception thrown to indicate the an error has occurred when trying to change the frame rate.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 



The available frame rate setting threshold is always intermittent, which means the input value might not match any available frame rate threshold. If the input value is below the lowest available threshold, the frame rate will be set to the lowest available threshold. If the input value is above the lowest available threshold but still does not match any threshold, the frame rate will be set to the highest available threshold below the input value.


Frame Acquiring Methods Details


Get the latest frame from the video buffer.

DCEFrame getFrameFromBuffer(boolean isKeep)


isKeep: If set to true, the frame will be kept in the video buffer. Otherwise, it will be removed from the video buffer.

Return Value

The latest frame in the video buffer.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 
DCEFrame frame = cameraEnhancer.getFrameFromBuffer(false);



Add a listener to the CameraEnhancer instance. This method will have no effect if the same listener is already added.

void addListener(DCEFrameListener listener)


listener: An object of DCEFrameListener. Its callback method frameOutputCallback will be available for users to make further operations on the captured video frame.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 

DCEFrameListener listener = new DCEFrameListener(){
    public void frameOutputCallback(DCEFrame frame, long timeStamp) {
        //perform custom action on generated frame



Remove a previously added listener from the CameraEnhancer instance. This method will have no effect if there is no listener exists in CameraEnhancer instance.

void removeListener(DCEFrameListener listener)


listener: The input listener will be removed from the Camera Enhancer instance.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 

DCEFrameListener listener = new DCEFrameListener(){
    public void frameOutputCallback(DCEFrame frame, long timeStamp) {
        //perform custom action on generated frame
// ......



Take a photo from the camera and save the image in the memory. The photo will be captured and users can receive the captured photo via photoOutputCallback.

void takePhoto(DCEPhotoListener listener)


listener: An instance of DCEPhotoListener.

Code Snippet

// Create an instance of DCEPhotoListener
DCEPhotoListener photoListener = new DCEPhotoListener() {
    public void photoOutputCallback(byte[] bytes) {
        // Add your code to execute when photo is captured.


Enhanced Features Methods Details


Enable camera enhancer features by inputting EnumEnhancerFeatures value.

void enableFeatures(int enhancerFeatures) throws CameraEnhancerException


enhancerFeatures: The combined value of EnumEnhancerFeatures.


An exception thrown to indicate an error has occurred when trying to access the sensor.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 

cameraEnhancer.enableFeatures(EnumEnhancerFeatures.FRAME_FILTER | EnumEnhancerFeatures.SENSOR_CONTROL);


The EnumEnhancerFeatures members:

Members Value

The enable action will not be approved if the license is invalid. If your input values include the features that have been already enabled, these features will keep the enabled status.



Disable camera enhancer features by inputting EnumEnhancerFeatures values.

void disableFeatures(int enhancerFeatures)


enhancerFeatures: The combined value of EnumEnhancerFeatures.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 

cameraEnhancer.disableFeatures(EnumEnhancerFeatures.FRAME_FILTER | EnumEnhancerFeatures.SENSOR_CONTROL);


You can still disable the features even if the license is invalid. If your input values include the features that are not enabled, these features will keep the disabled status.



Returns a boolean value that means whether the feature(s) you input is (are) enabled.

boolean isFeatureEnabled(int enhancerFeatures)


enhancerFeatures: The combined value of EnumEnhancerFeatures.

Return Value

True: All the features you input are enabled.
False: There is at least one feature that is not enabled among your input values.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 

boolean isEnabled = cameraEnhancer.isFeatureEnabled(EnumEnhancerFeatures.FRAME_FILTER | EnumEnhancerFeatures.SENSOR_CONTROL);


If the features you input are all enabled but don’t cover all the enabled features, this method will still return true.


Camera UI Methods Details


Set a DCECameraView object as the main UI view.

void setCameraView(DCECameraView cameraView)


cameraView: The main UI view. See also DCECameraView.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 

DCECameraView cameraView = findViewById(;



Get the DCECameraView object of the current UI view.

DCECameraView getCameraView()

Return Value

The current UI view. See also DCECameraView.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 

DCECameraView cameraView =  cameraEnhancer.getCameraView();


Advanced Camera Control Methods Details


Update the advanced camera controlling and video streaming processing parameters. This method enable you to update settings via a JSON file from the storage.

void updateAdvancedSettingsFromFile(String filePath) throws CameraEnhancerException


filePath: The file path of the JSON file.


An exception thrown to indicate the JSON data is invalid.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 
// Replace the filePath with your target filePath


You might need permission authority to enable the Camera Enhancer to read the file in your mobile storage.



Update the advanced camera controlling and video streaming processing parameters. This method enables you to update settings via a JSON string.

void updateAdvancedSettingsFromString(String jsonString) throws CameraEnhancerException


jsonString: A stringified JSON data.

Code Snippet

CameraEnhancer cameraEnhancer = new CameraEnhancer(MainActivity.this); 


The advanced settings are as follow:

Parameter Name Type Description
focalLength float Set the fixed focal length.
autoFocusInterval int Set the time interval of the auto focus.
autoFocusTerminateTime int Set the minimum terminate time of auto focus.
sensorControlSensitivity int Set the sensitivity of the mobile sensor.
FastMode JSON data Set a group of crop regions.
ISO & ExposureTime JSON data Set the ISO and exposure time.


Set the fixed focal length with a float value. When this parameter is configured, the other focus methods and parameters will be disbaled and the focal length will be fixed. Users can reset the focalLength to -1 to disable the fixed focus settings. The closer to the 0, the further the focalLength will be.

Value Type Value Range Default Value
int [0,10] -1


Set the time interval of the auto-focus with an int value.

Value Type Value Range Default Value
int [0,0x7fffffff] 3000(ms)


The minimum termination time of the auto-focus with an int value.

Value Type Value Range Default Value
int [0,0x7fffffff] 500(ms)


Set the sensitivity of the mobile sensor with an int value. A lower input value results in a higher sensitivity.

Value Type Value Range Default Value
int [0,0x7fffffff] 50


The fast-mode parameters store four groups of frame cropping parameters. The cropping parameters will be implemented periodically when the fast mode is enabled. You can use the default cropping region settings or update your personalized crop regions via a JSON string or file.


"FastMode": {
    "cropRegions": [{
        "top": 0,
        "right": 100,
        "bottom": 100,
        "left": 0
        "top": 25,
        "right": 100,
        "bottom": 75,
        "left": 0
        "top": 25,
        "right": 75,
        "bottom": 75,
        "left": 25
        "top": 25,
        "right": 75,
        "bottom": 75,
        "left": 25

ISO & ExposureTime

Set the ISO and exposure time of the camera.


    "androidExposureTime": 2,

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