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Release Notes - Android 2.x

2.3.20 (03/21/2024)


  • Internal changes on the torch controlling logics.

2.3.12 (12/19/2023)


  • Added internal changes to prevent crashes on cross-platform apps.

2.3.11 (02/14/2023)


  • Fixed a crash bug on the devices that do not support 16:9 size resolution.

2.3.10 (12/13/2022)


  • Override method setFocus in CameraEnhancer class for users to specify the subsequent focus mode after triggering a focus. Enumeration EnumFocusMode is added to specify the focus mode.
  • Added a new method setAutoZoomRange in CameraEnhancer for users to specify a range for the auto-zoom feature of the library.
  • Added an interface DCECameraStateListener to receive a callback when the camera state changes. You can add the protocol via a new method setCameraStateListener.
  • Added a new method getVisibleRegionOfVideo in DCECameraView class


  • Deprecated method pause and resume in CameraEnhancer class.


  • Fixed a bug that might cause thread blocking when using an offline license.
  • Fixed a bug that UI might be blocked when the screen is locked and reopened.
  • Fixed a bug that might cause memory churn when the instance/thread was created frequently.

2.3.5 (11/04/2022)

  • Fixed a bug that might throws exception when triggering CameraEnhancer.close after triggering CameraEnhancer.pause.

2.3.4 (09/22/2022)

  • Fixed a bug that camera might not be opened after camera permission is allowed.

2.3.3 (08/18/2022)


  • Fixed a bug that might cause camera crash when the DCECameraView is quit without destroying.

  • Fixed a deformation bug of DCECameraView when the screen rotated.

2.3.2 (08/02/2022)



  • Fixed a null pointer bug that might occur when rotating the DCECameraView.
  • Fixed a crash bug when some methods are called in child thread.

2.3.0 (06/28/2022)

Version Highlights

  • The same camera enhancer instance can now be used by multiple products. (JS edition only)
  • Added photo capturing features. You can now capture high-resolution images using the library. (Mobile editions only)
  • Added device feedback features. You can now trigger vibrations or beep sounds of mobile devices. (Mobile editions only)


  • Added the following APIs for capturing photos:
  • Added a new class DCEFeedback. The following APIs are available in the class:
    • vibrate: Triggers a vibration.
    • Beep: Triggers a beep sound.
  • Added a new method getMaxZoomFactor which returns the maximum available zoom factor of the device.

2.1.4 (05/26/2022)



  • Fixed the memory leaks caused by the misuse of the Context instance.
  • Fixed a bug where some delay might happen in initiating licenses when using along with Dynamsoft Barcode Reader Mobile Edition.


  • CameraEnhancer.setFrameRate

2.1.3 (03/02/2022)


  • Fixed a bug that might cause a crash on Android emulator when used together with DynamsoftBarcodeReader.

2.1.1 (12/28/2021)


  • Added a new feature SMART_TORCH. Users can enable this feature via the method enableFeatures by specifying EF_SMART_TORCH. When SMART_TORCH is enabled, a torch button will be displayed automatically when the environment light level is low. Users can click on the torch button to turn on/off the torchlight.
  • Overwrite DCECameraView method setTorchButton. Users can set the position, size and image of the torch button. The previous setTorchButton method is deprecated.


  • Fixed a bug that might affect the processing speed.
  • Fixed a bug that enableFeatures might not have effects.

2.1.0 (12/16/2021)

Version Highlights

  • Added class scan region configuration APIs and RegionDefinition for users to set the region of interest. The frames will be cropped based on the scan region to accelerate further frame processing.



2.0.0 (10/19/2021)

Version Highlights

  • Simplified the usage of camera-control APIs. The new APIs are easier to use and cover more scenarios.
  • Simplified the usage of camera enhancer features. Users can enable all required features via the method enableFeatures by inputting the combined enumeration value.
  • Extended the features of DCECameraView. Users can add and personalize the overlays and viewfinder on the camera UI.
  • Extended the features of DCEFrame. DCEFrame will store more frame information to cover more scenarios. In addition, the method toBitmap is added to enable users to convert DCEFrame to a visible image.
  • The camera UI will display a fuzzified image instead of the previously captured image when the camera UI is quit and resumed.



  • Updated the mechanism of the video buffer. The capability of real-time frame processing and transferring is improved.


  • Fixed a bug that might cause incorrect device count.

Breaking Change(s)

This page is compatible for:

Version 1.0

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In this article:

latest version

    • Latest version
    • Version 4.x
      • Version 4.2.10
      • Version 4.2.1
      • Version 4.2.0
      • Version 4.0.2
      • Version 4.0.1
      • Version 4.0.0
    • Version 3.x
      • Version 3.0.3
      • Version 3.0.2
      • Version 3.0.1
      • Version 3.0.0
    • Version 2.x
      • Version 2.3.21
      • Version 2.3.20
      • Version 2.3.12
      • Version 2.3.11
      • Version 2.3.10
      • Version 2.3.5
      • Version 2.3.4
      • Version 2.3.3
      • Version 2.3.2
      • Version 2.3.1
      • Version 2.3.0
      • Version 2.1.4
      • Version 2.1.3
      • Version 2.1.1
      • Version 2.0.0
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