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Parameter TaskSettingNameArray represents the collection of task setting object names, used to refer to the BarcodeReaderTaskSetting,LabelRecognizerTaskSetting,DocumentNormalizerTaskSetting, OutputTaskSetting objects. It is used to define recognition tasks such as reading barcodes, recognizing labels, or detecting document quads.


    "TaskSettingNameArray": ["dbr_task", "dlr_task", "ddn_task"]

Parameter Summary

TaskSettingNameArray Parameter Summary
Each element represents the name of a BarcodeReaderTaskSetting object, LabelRecognizerTaskSetting object, DocumentNormalizerTaskSetting object, or OutputTaskSetting object.
Default Value
[“dbr_task_default”, “dlr_task_default”, “ddn_task_default”]
If TaskSettingNameArray is not specified, a default array [“dbr_task_default”, “dlr_task_default”, “ddn_task_default”] will be created. The TargetROIDef object will have a default configuration of tasks including one barcode reading task, one label recognition task, and one document normalizer task.

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