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The SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings class contains settings for capturing and recognizing images with the CaptureVisionRouter class.


Namespace: com.dynamsoft.cvr

Assembly: DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouter.aar

class SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings

Methods & Attributes

Method Description
toJSON Generate the current SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings object to a JSON string.
fromJSON Generate a SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings object from a JSON string.
Attribute Type Description
capturedResultItemTypes int Specifies the type(s) of CapturedItem(s) that will be captured.
roi Quadrilateral Specifies the region of interest (ROI) where the image capture and recognition will take place.
roiMeasuredInPercentage boolean Specifies whether the ROI is measured in pixels or as a percentage of the image size.
maxParallelTasks int Specifies the maximum number of parallel tasks that can be used for image capture and recognition.
minImageCaptureInterval int Set the minimum capture interval. It is measured in millisecond.
timeout int Specifies the maximum time (in milliseconds) allowed for image capture and recognition.
barcodeSettings SimplifiedBarcodeReaderSettings * Specifies the settings for DynamsoftBarcodeReader tasks.
labelSettings SimplifiedLabelRecognizerSettings * Specifies the settings for DynamsoftLabelRecognizer tasks.
documentSettings SimplifiedDocumentNormalizerSettings * Specifies the settings for DynamsoftDocumentNormalizer tasks.


Transform the current SimplifiedLabelRecognizerSettings object to a JSON string.

String toJSON();

Return Value

The string that generated from the current SimplifiedLabelRecognizerSettings object.


Generate a SimplifiedLabelRecognizerSettings object from a JSON string.

static SimplifiedLabelRecognizerSettings fromJSON(String jsonString);

Return Value

The generated SimplifiedLabelRecognizerSettings object.


Specifies the type(s) of CapturedItem(s) that will be captured.

int capturedResultItemTypes;

You can specify multiple types. For example, you can use the following code to add CRIT_ORIGINAL_IMAGE to the captured results of PT_READ_BARCODES template.

try {
    SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings settings = cvr.getSimplifiedSettings(EnumPresetTemplate.PT_READ_BARCODES);
    settings.capturedResultItemTypes = EnumCapturedResultItemType.CRIT_BARCODE | EnumCapturedResultItemType.CRIT_ORIGINAL_IMAGE;
    cvr.updateSettings(EnumPresetTemplate.PT_READ_BARCODES, settings);
} catch (CaptureVisionRouterException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);

View EnumCapturedResultItemType about all supported result item types.


Specifies the region of interest (ROI) where the image capture and recognition will take place.

Quadrilateral roi;


Specifies whether the ROI is measured in pixels or as a percentage of the image size.

boolean roiMeasuredInPercentage;


Specifies the maximum number of parallel tasks that can be used for image capture and recognition.

int maxParallelTasks;


Set the minimum capture interval. It is measured in millisecond.

int minImageCaptureInterval;


Specifies the maximum time (in milliseconds) allowed for image capture and recognition.

int timeout;


Specifies the settings for DynamsoftBarcodeReader tasks with a SimplifiedBarcodeReaderSettings object.

SimplifiedBarcodeReaderSettings barcodeSettings;


Specifies the settings for DynamsoftLabelRecognizer tasks with a SimplifiedLabelRecognizerSettings object.

SimplifiedLabelRecognizerSettings labelSettings;


Specifies the settings for DynamsoftDocumentNormalizer tasks with a SimplifiedDocumentNormalizerSettings object.

SimplifiedDocumentNormalizerSettings documentSettings;

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