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The SimplifiedBarcodeReaderSettings class comes from the SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings class and contains settings specific to barcode decoding.


Assembly: DynamsoftBarcodeReader.aar

Namespace: com.dynamsoft.dbr

class SimplifiedBarcodeReaderSettings

Methods & Attributes

Attributes Type Description
barcodeFormatIds long Defines a combined value of EnumBarcodeFormat to specify which barcode format(s) the library should target.
expectedBarcodesCount int Sets the expected barcode count.
localizationModes EnumLocalizationMode[] Defines the localization algorithm(s) used to localize barcodes.
deblurModes EnumDeblurMode[] Sets the priority for which deblurring algorithms the library will employ when dealing with blurry images.
minResultConfidence int Sets the minimum barcode result confidence to filter out the low confidence results.
minBarcodeTextLength int Sets the minimum barcode result text length.
barcodeTextRegExPattern String Sets a RegEx pattern for the barcode text.
maxThreadsInOneTask int Sets the max available threads for one task.
grayscaleTransformationModes GrayscaleTransformationMode[] Sets which grayscale transformation mode(s) the library will employ when reading barcodes.
grayscaleEnhancementModes GrayscaleEnhancementMode[] Sets which grayscale enhancement mode(s) the library will use when reading barcodes.
scaleDownThreshold int Sets the threshold for image shrinking.
Methods Description
toJson Generate a JSON string from this SimplifiedBarcodeReaderSettings object.
fromJson Create a SimplifiedBarcodeReaderSettings object from a JSON string.


Defines a combined value of EnumBarcodeFormat to specify which barcode format(s) the library should target.

long barcodeFormatIds;


Sets the expected barcode count. You can set it to 0 if the barcode count is unknown.

int expectedBarcodesCount;


  • Set expectedBarcodesCount to 0 if the barcode count is unknown. The library will try to find at least 1 barcode.
  • Set expectedBarcodesCount to 1 to reach the highest speed for processing single barcode.
  • Set expectedBarcodesCount to “n” if there will be “n” barcodes to process from an image.
  • Set expectedBarcodesCount to the highest expected value if there exists multiple barcodes but the exact count is not confirmed.


Defines the localization algorithm(s) used to localize barcodes. The array consists of one or more modes, with each EnumLocalizationMode representing a different localization process.

EnumLocalizationMode[] localizationModes;


If you would like to learn more about the localization modes and how they work, please read the parameter reference of LocalizationModes for more information.


Sets the priority for which deblurring algorithms the library will employ when dealing with blurry images. This array consists of EnumDeblurMode items.

EnumDeblurMode[] deblurModes;


If you would like to learn more about the deblur modes and how they work, please read the parameter reference of DeblurModes for more information.


Set the minimum barcode result confidence to filter out results that do not meet the required level of confidence/accuracy. The higher the value of this parameter, the more accurate the results will be. If the library is struggling to find a barcode, lowering the value of this parameter can help.

int minResultConfidence;


The default minresultConfidence value is 30. A typically accurate result that is returned by the library will be no less than 30, so that is why 30 is the default value for minResultConfidence.


Sets the minimum text length of the barcode results that the library will share. Any results that do not meet this text length will be discarded by the library.

int minBarcodeTextLength;


Sets a RegEx pattern for the barcode text. Any barcode results that don’t follow this RegEx pattern will be discarded by the library.

String barcodeTextRegExPattern;


Set the maximum available threads for a single task.

int maxThreadsInOneTask;


Sets which grayscale transformation mode(s) the library will employ when reading barcodes. This parameter controls the library’s ability to read inverted barcodes. The array consists of GrayscaleTransformationMode items.

EnumGrayscaleTransformationMode[] grayscaleTransformationModes;


To learn more about reading inverted barcodes, please view this article on how to read inverted barcodes.


Sets which grayscale enhancement mode(s) the library will use when reading barcodes. The array consists of GrayscaleEnhancementModes.

EnumGrayscaleEnhancementMode[] grayscaleEnhancementModes;


This parameter can be quite powerful if used properly. To learn more about this parameter and how it can be used, please see this page on how to preprocess images.


Set the threshold for image shrinking when dealing with large images to help with the memory overhead. If both the width and height are larger then the threshold, the image is shrinked by half.

int scaleDownThreshold;


If you would like to learn more on how this parameter works, please see this page on how to read barcodes from large images.


Generate a JSON string from this SimplifiedBarcodeReaderSettings object.

String toJson()

Return Value

A JSON string that contains all the information of this object.


Create a SimplifiedBarcodeReaderSettings object from a JSON string.

static SimplifiedBarcodeReaderSettings fromJson(String json);


  • json: A JSON string that contains all SimplifiedBarcodeReaderSettings required information.

Return Value

A SimplifiedBarcodeReaderSettings object.

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