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The CaptureVisionRouter class is what a user uses to interact with image-processing and semantic-processing products in their applications. It accepts an image source and returns processing results which may contain Final results or Intermediate Results.


Namespace: com.dynamsoft.cvr

Assembly: DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouter.aar

class CaptureVisionRouter


Method Description
CaptureVisionRouter Default constructor of CaptureVisionRouter object.

Single-File Processing

Method Description
capture(filePath,templateName) Processes an image file to derive important information.
capture(fileBytes,templateName) Processes an image file in memory to derive important information.
capture(imageData,templateName) Processes an ImageData object to derive important information.
capture(bitmap,templateName) Processes a Bitmap object to derive important information.

Multiple-File Processing

Method Description
setInput Sets up an image source to provide images for continuous processing.
getInput Returns the image source object.
addImageSourceStateListener Registers a ImageSourceStateListener to get callback when the status of ImageSourceAdapter changes.
removeImageSourceStateListener Removes a ImageSourceStateListener.
addResultReceiver Registers a CapturedResultReceiver to get callback when CapturedResult output.
removeResultReceiver Removes a CapturedResultReceiver.
startCapturing Initiates a capturing process based on a specified template. This process is repeated for each image fetched from the source.
stopCapturing Stops the capturing process.
pauseCapturing Pauses the Capture Vision Router.
resumeCapturing Resumes the Capture Vision Router.
addCaptureStateListener Registers a CaptureStateListener to get callback when capture state changes.
removeCaptureStateListener Removes a CaptureStateListener.
addResultFilter Adds a CaptureResultFilter object to filter non-essential results.
removeResultFilter Removes the specified CaptureResultFilter object.


Method Description
initSettings Initialize the Capture Vision settings with a JSON String.
initSettingsFromFile Initialize the Capture Vision settings with a JSON file.
getSimplifiedSettings Retrieves a simplified version of the Capture Vision settings for a specific template.
updateSettings Update Capture Vision settings with an object of SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings.
resetSettings Resets all templates to factory settings.
outputSettings Output the targeting Capture Vision settings to a JSON string.
outputSettingsToFile Output the targeting Capture Vision settings to a JSON file.

Intermediate Result

Method Description
getIntermediateResultManager Gets the object of IntermediateResultManager.

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