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The RegionObjectElement class represents a basic element of a region object, including its type, location and reference to another element.


Namespace: com.dynamsoft.core.intermediate_results

Assembly: DynamsoftCore.aar

class RegionObjectElement


Method Description
getLocation Gets the location of the region object, represented as a Quadrilateral.
setLocation Sets the location of the region object, represented as a Quadrilateral.
getReferencedElement Gets the referenced element that supports the capturing of this element.
getRegionObjectElementType The type of the region object element, defined by the enumeration EnumRegionObjectElementType.


Gets the location of the region object, represented as a Quadrilateral.

Quadrilateral getLocation();

Return Value

The location of the region object, represented as a Quadrilateral.


Sets the location of the region object, represented as a Quadrilateral.

void setLocation(Quadrilateral location);


[in] location: A Quadrilateral object that defines the location of the region object.


Gets the referenced element that supports the capturing of this element.

RegionObjectElement getReferencedElement();

Return Value

The referenced element that supports the capturing of this element.


Gets the type of the region object element, defined by the enumeration EnumRegionObjectElementType.

EnumRegionObjectElementType getType();

Return Value

The type of the region object element.

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