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The DSTextZonesUnit class extends the DSIntermediateResultUnit class and represents a unit of text zones identified during the processing of an image. This class is used to encapsulate the locations of detected text areas within an image, providing a structured representation of where text is located.


Assembly: DynamsoftCore.xcframework

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @interface DSTextZonesUnit: DSIntermediateResultUnit
  2. class TextZonesUnit: IntermediateResultUnit


Method Description
getTextZones Gets an array of DSTextZone objects, each representing the geometric boundaries of a detected text zone within the image.
getCount Returns the number of text zones in this unit.
getTextZone Returns the text zone at the specified index.
removeTextZone Removes the text zone at the specified index.
addTextZone Adds a text zone to this unit.
setTextZone Sets the text zone at the specified index.

Inherited Methods

The following methods are inherited from class DSIntermediateResultUnit.

Method Description
getHashId Gets the hash ID of the unit. The hash ID is the unique identifier for the intermediate result unit.
getOriginalImageHashId Gets the hash ID of the original image associated with this unit.
getOriginalImageTag Gets the tag associated with the original image.
getType Gets the type of the intermediate result unit, defined by the enumeration IntermediateResultUnitType.
getTransformMatrix Gets the transformation matrix via DSTransformMatrixType.
clone Creates a copy of the intermediate result unit.
replace Replaces the content of the intermediate result unit.


Gets an array of DSTextZone objects, each representing the geometric boundaries of a detected text zone within the image.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. -(nullable NSArray<DSTextZone*>*)getTextZones;
  2. func getTextZones() -> [TextZone]?

Return Value

An array of DSTextZone objects.


Returns the number of text zones in this unit.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. -(NSInteger)getCount;
  2. func getCount() -> Int

Return Value

The number of text zones.


Returns the text zone at the specified index.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. -(nullable DSTextZone*)getTextZone:(NSInteger)index;
  2. func getTextZone(index: Int) -> TextZone?


index: The index of the text zone.

Return Value

Returns the text zone at the specified index.


Removes the text zone at the specified index.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. -(void)removeTextZone:(NSInteger)index;
  2. func removeTextZone(index: Int)


index: The index of the text zone to be removed.


Adds a text zone to this unit.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. -(NSInteger)addTextZone:(DSTextZone*)textZone
  2. func addTextZone(_ textZone: TextZone, matrixToOriginalImage: CGAffineTransform) -> Int


textZone: The text zone to be added.

matrixToOriginalImage: The transformation matrix from the original image to the text zone.

Return Value

Returns the ErrorCode if failed. Otherwise, returns 0.


Sets the text zone at the specified index.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. -(NSInteger)setTextZone:(NSInteger)index
  2. func setTextZone(index: Int, textZone: TextZone, matrixToOriginalImage: CGAffineTransform) -> Int


index: The index of the text zone.

textZone: The text zone to be set.

matrixToOriginalImage: The transformation matrix from the original image to the text zone.

Return Value

Returns the ErrorCode if failed. Otherwise, returns 0.

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