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The CIntermediateResult class represents a container containing a collection of CIntermediateResultUnit objects.


Namespace: dynamsoft::intermediate_results

Assembly: DynamsoftCore

class CIntermediateResult


Method Description
GetCount Gets the number of CIntermediateResultUnit objects in the collection.
GetIntermediateResultUnit Gets a pointer to a specific CIntermediateResultUnit object in the collection.


Gets the number of CIntermediateResultUnit objects in the collection.

virtual int GetCount() const

Return value

Returns the number of CIntermediateResultUnit objects in the collection.


Gets a pointer to a specific CIntermediateResultUnit object in the collection.

virtual const CIntermediateResultUnit* GetIntermediateResultUnit(int index) const


[in] index The index of the CIntermediateResultUnit object to retrieve.

Return value

Returns a const pointer to the specified CIntermediateResultUnit object in the collection. You don’t need to release the memory pointed to by the returned pointer.

See Also


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