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The CPredetectedRegionElement class represents a region element that has been pre-detected in an image. It is a subclass of the CRegionObjectElement.


Namespace: dynamsoft::intermediate_results

Assembly: DynamsoftCore

class CPredetectedRegionElement : public CRegionObjectElement

Methods Summary

Method Description
GetModeName Gets the name of the detection mode used to detect this region element.

Inherited Methods

The following methods are inherited from class CRegionObjectElement.

Method Description
GetLocation Get the location of the region object element.
GetReferencedElement Get a pointer to a referenced region object element.
GetElementType Get the type of the region object element.


Gets the name of the detection mode used to detect this region element.

virtual const char* GetModeName() const;

Return value

Returns the name of the detection mode used to detect this region element.

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