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The CTextureRemovedGrayscaleImageUnit class represents an intermediate result unit that contains texture-removed grayscale image data.


Namespace: dynamsoft::intermediate_results

Assembly: DynamsoftCore

class CTextureRemovedGrayscaleImageUnit : public CIntermediateResultUnit 

Methods Summary

Method Description
GetImageData Gets the texture-removed grayscale image.

Inherited Methods

The following methods are inherited from class CIntermediateResultUnit.

Method Description
GetHashId Gets the hash ID of the unit.
GetOriginalImageHashId Gets the hash ID of the original image.
GetOriginalImageTag Gets the image tag of the original image.
GetType Gets the type of the intermediate result unit.
Clone Creates a copy of the intermediate result unit.
SetHashId Sets the hash ID of the unit.
SetOriginalImageHashId Sets the hash ID of the original image.
SetOriginalImageTag Sets the image tag of the original image.
Retain Increases the reference count of the unit.
Release Decreases the reference count of the unit.
GetTransformMatrix Gets the transformation matrix via TransformMatrixType.
SetTransformMatrix Sets the transformation matrix via TransformMatrixType.


Gets the texture-removed grayscale image.

virtual const CImageData* GetImageData() const

Return value

Returns a constant pointer to the texture-removed grayscale image. You don’t need to release the memory pointed to by the returned pointer.

See Also


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