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CaptureVisionRouter Settings

Name Description
initSettings() Configures runtime settings using a provided JSON string, an object, or a URL pointing to an object, which contains settings for one or more CaptureVisionTemplates.
outputSettings() Outputs a CaptureVisionTemplate specified by its name.
outputSettingsToFile Generates a Blob object or initiates a JSON file download containing the settings for the specified CaptureVisionTemplate.
getSimplifiedSettings() Retrieves a JSON object that contains simplified settings for the specified CaptureVisionTemplate.
updateSettings() Updates the specified CaptureVisionTemplate with an updated SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings object.
resetSettings() Restores all runtime settings to their original default values.


Configures runtime settings using a provided JSON string, an object, or a URL pointing to an object, which contains settings for one or more CaptureVisionTemplates.


initSettings(settings: string | object): Promise<any>;


settings: A JSON string, an object, or a URL pointing to an object that contains settings for one or more CaptureVisionTemplates.

Return value

A promise that resolves when the operation has completed. It provides an object that describes the result.

Code snippet

let router = await Dynamsoft.CVR.CaptureVisionRouter.createInstance();
const settings = {
  "CaptureVisionTemplates": [
      "Name": "ReadSingleBarcode",
      "ImageROIProcessingNameArray": ["roi-read-single-barcode"]
  "TargetROIDefOptions": [
      "Name": "roi-read-single-barcode",
      "TaskSettingNameArray": ["task-read-single-barcode"]
  "BarcodeReaderTaskSettingOptions": [
      "Name": "task-read-single-barcode"
await router.initSettings(settings);

See Also

Structure of a Parameter Template File


Returns an object that contains settings for the specified CaptureVisionTemplate.


outputSettings(templateName: string): Promise<string>;


templateName: specifies a CaptureVisionTemplate by its name. If passed “*”, the returned object will contain all templates.

Return value

A promise that resolves with the object that contains settings for the specified template or all templates.

Code snippet

let router = await Dynamsoft.CVR.CaptureVisionRouter.createInstance();
const settings = await router.outputSettings("ReadSingleBarcode");


Generates a Blob object or initiates a JSON file download containing the settings for the specified CaptureVisionTemplate.


outputSettingsToFile(templateName: string, fileName?: string, download?: boolean): Promise<Blob>;


templateName: specifies a CaptureVisionTemplate by its name. If passed “*”, the returned object will contain all templates.

fileName: specifies the name of the file.

download: boolean that specifies whether to initiates a JSON file download.

Return value

A promise that resolves with the Blob object that contains settings for the specified template or all templates.

Code snippet

let router = await Dynamsoft.CVR.CaptureVisionRouter.createInstance();
const settings = await router.outputSettingsToFile("ReadSingleBarcode", "read-single-file", true);


Retrieves a JSON object that contains simplified settings for the specified CaptureVisionTemplate.


getSimplifiedSettings(templateName: string): Promise<SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings>;


templateName: specifies a CaptureVisionTemplate by its name.

Return Value

A promise that resolves with a JSON object, of type SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings, which represents the simplified settings for the specified template.

Remarks: If the settings of the specified template are too complex, we cannot create a SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings, and as a result, it will return an error.

Code snippet

let router = await Dynamsoft.CVR.CaptureVisionRouter.createInstance();
settings = await router.getSimplifiedSettings("ReadSingleBarcode");


Updates the specified CaptureVisionTemplate with an updated SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings object.


updateSettings(templateName: string, settings: SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings): Promise<any>;


templateName: specifies a CaptureVisionTemplate by its name.

settings: the SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings object that contains updated settings.

Return value

A promise that resolves when the operation has completed. It provides an object that describes the result.

Code snippet

let settings = await router.getSimplifiedSettings("ReadSingleBarcode");
settings.barcodeSettings.barcodeFormatIds =
await router.updateSettings("ReadSingleBarcode", settings);
await router.startCapturing("ReadSingleBarcode");


Restores all runtime settings to their original default values.


resetSettings(): Promise<any>;



Return Value

A promise that resolves when the operation has completed. It provides an object that describes the result.

Code snippet

let router = await Dynamsoft.CVR.CaptureVisionRouter.createInstance();
await router.resetSettings();

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