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ImageSourceAdapter is an abstract class that defines the standard structure of an image source in the Dynamsoft Capture Vision architecture.

| Name | Description | | ———————————————————————– | ——————————————————————————————————— | | addImageToBuffer() | Adds an image to the buffer of the adapter. | | hasNextImageToFetch() | Determines whether there are more images left to fetch. | | startFetching() | Starts fetching images. | | stopFetching() | Stops fetching images. | | getImage() | Returns a buffered image. | | setMaxImageCount() | Sets how many images are allowed to be buffered. | | getMaxImageCount() | Returns how many images can be buffered. | | setBufferOverflowProtectionMode() | Sets a mode that determines the action to take when there is a new incoming image and the buffer is full. | | getBufferOverflowProtectionMode() | Returns the current buffer overflow protection mode. | | hasImage() | Determines whether the image is in the buffer or not. | | setNextImageToReturn() | Sets the next image to return. | | getImageCount() | Returns the actual count of buffered images. | | isBufferEmpty() | Determines whether the buffer is empty. | | clearBuffer() | Clears the image buffer. | | setColourChannelUsageType() | Sets the usage type of a color channel in an image. | | getColourChannelUsageType() | Gets the usage type of a color channel in an image. | —


Adds an image to the buffer of the adapter.

addImageToBuffer(image: Core.DSImageData): void;


image: The image to add to the buffer.


An abstract method that needs to be implemented by the user. It checks if there is a next image to fetch.

abstract hasNextImageToFetch(): boolean;

Return value

Returns true if there are more images left to fetch, false otherwise.


Starts fetching images.

startFetching(): void;


Stops fetching images.

stopFetching(): void;


Retrieves a buffered image as a promise.

getImage(): Promise<Core.DSImageData>;

Return value

Returns the image object as a promise .


Sets how many images are allowed to be buffered.

setMaxImageCount(count: number): void;


count: The maximum number of images that can be buffered.


Returns how many images can be buffered.

getMaxImageCount(): number;

Return value

Returns the maximum number of images that can be buffered.


Sets a mode that determines the action to take when there is a new incoming image and the buffer is full.

setBufferOverflowProtectionMode(mode: Core.EnumBufferOverflowProtectionMode): void;


mode: The buffer overflow protection mode to set.


Returns the current buffer overflow protection mode.

getBufferOverflowProtectionMode(): Core.EnumBufferOverflowProtectionMode;

Return value

Returns the current buffer overflow protection mode.


Determines whether the image is in the buffer or not.

hasImage(imageId: number): boolean;


imageId: The ID of the image to check.

Return value

Returns true if the image is in the buffer, false otherwise.


Sets the next image to return.

setNextImageToReturn(imageId: number, keepInBuffer?: boolean): void;


imageId: The ID of the next image to return.

keepInBuffer: Whether the image should be kept in the buffer after it is returned.


Returns the actual count of buffered images.

getImageCount(): number;

Return value

Returns the actual count of buffered images.


Determines whether the buffer is empty.

isBufferEmpty(): boolean;

Return value

Returns true if the buffer is empty, false otherwise.


Clear the image buffer.

clearBuffer(): void;


Sets the usage type of a color channel in images.

setColourChannelUsageType(type: Core.EnumColourChannelUsageType): void;


Gets the usage type of a color channel in images.

getColourChannelUsageType(): Core.EnumColourChannelUsageType;

Return value

Returns the usage type of a color channel in images.

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