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The ImageManager class provides APIs for managing images.

Name Description
saveToFile() Saves the specified image in either PNG or JPG format.
drawOnImage() Draws various shapes on an image, and save it in PNG format.


This method saves an image in either PNG or JPG format. The desired file format is inferred from the file extension provided in the ‘name’ parameter.

Should the specified file format be omitted or unsupported, the data will default to being exported in PNG format.

saveToFile(image: Core.DSImageData, name: string, download?: boolean): Promise<File>;


image: The image to be saved, of type Core.DSImageData.

name: The name of the file, as a string, under which the image will be saved.

download: An optional boolean flag that, when set to true, triggers the download of the file.

Return Value

A Promise that resolves with the saved File object.


This method draws various shapes on an image, and save it in PNG format.

drawOnimage(image: Blob | string,
             drawingItem: Array<Core.Quadrilateral> | Core.Quadrilateral | Array<Core.LineSegment> | Core.LineSegment | Array<Core.Contour> | Core.Contour | Array<Core.Corner> | Core.Corner | Array<Core.Edge> | Core.Edge, 
             type: "quads" | "lines" | "contours" | "edges",
             color: number,
             thickness: number,
             download?: boolean
            ): Promise<File>;


image: The image to be saved, of type Core.DSImageData.

drawingItem: An array of different shapes to draw on the image.

type: The type of drawing shapes.

color: The color to use for drawing. Defaults to 0xFFFF0000 (red).

thickness: The thickness of the lines to draw. Defaults to 1.

download: An optional boolean flag that, when set to true, triggers the download of the file.

Return Value

A promise that resolves with the saved File object.

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