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interface PerspectiveViewerConstructorOptions {
	container?: string | HTMLElement;
	viewerConfig?: PerspectiveViewerConfig; // The configurations of viewer, such as page style, minZoom, maxZoom and so on.
	uiConfig?: UiConfig; // The UI layout configurations.
	groupUid?: string; //The uid of viewer's group, if it is not set, a random groupUid will generate.



The container which is used to show the viewer. Its id or HTMLElement is acceppted.


The configurations of viewer, please refer to PerspectiveViewerConfig. If it is not specified, the default configuration will be applied.


The UI layout configurations of viewer, please refer to UiConfig. If it is not specified, the default UI will be applied.


The uid of viewers’ group. If it is not specified, a random groupUid will be generated.

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