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Parameter Template Structure

This article introduces the parameter definitions, organization structure, usage rules and related interfaces involved in Dynamsoft Barcode Reader.


Dynamsoft Barcode Reader uses a template to set parameters. A template contains three types of data: ImageParameter, RegionDefinition, and FormatSpecification.

  • ImageParameter is used to specify the decoding operation settings on the entire image. The value of the ImageParameter.Name field is the unique identifier of the ImageParameter.
  • RegionDefinition is used to specify a decoding region. It is also used to specify the decoding operation settings in this area. The value of the RegionDefinition.Name field is the unique identifier of RegionDefinition.
  • FormatSpecification is used to specify a barcode format. It is also used to specify the decoding operation settings of this barcode format. The value of the FormatSpecification.Name field is the unique identifier of FormatSpecification.

Organizational Relationship

  • There is only one ImageParameter in a template definition. The ImageParameter.Name field denotes the unique identifier of the template;
  • One or more RegionDefinition can be referenced through RegionDefinitionNameArray in ImageParameter;
  • One or more FormatSpecification can be referenced through FormatSpecificationNameArray in ImageParameter;
  • One or more FormatSpecification can be referenced through FormatSpecificationNameArray in RegionDefinition;
  • In a JSON template file/string, you can use ImageParameterContentArray/RegionDefinitionArray/FormatSpecificationArray field to define multiple ImageParameter/RegionDefinition/FormatSpecification, for example:
    "ImageParameterContentArray": [
        "Name": "ImageParameter1", 
        "BarcodeFormatIds": ["BF_ONED"]
        "Name": "ImageParameter2", 
        "BarcodeFormatIds": ["BF_ALL"]


  • When the same parameter is set in both ImageParameter and RegionDefinition, the decoding operation in the region specified by RegionDefinition is used; otherwise, the parameter values under the ImageParameter will be used.

  • When the same parameter is set in both ImageParameter and FormatSpecification, the decoding operation for the barcode format specified by FormatSpecification is used; otherwise, the parameter values under the ImageParameter will be used.

  • When the same parameter is set in both RegionDefinition and FormatSpecification, the decoding operation for the barcode format specified by FormatSpecification is used in the region specified by RegionDefinition; otherwise, the parameter values under the ImageParameter will be used.

Parameter list

The parameters of ImageParameter are:

  • ImageParameter.AccompanyingTextRecognitionModes
  • ImageParameter.BarcodeColourModes
  • ImageParameter.BarcodeComplementModes
  • ImageParameter.BarcodeFormatIds
  • ImageParameter.BarcodeFormatIds_2
  • ImageParameter.BinarizationModes
  • ImageParameter.ColourClusteringModes
  • ImageParameter.ColourConversionModes
  • ImageParameter.DeblurLevel
  • ImageParameter.DeformationResistingModes
  • ImageParameter.Description
  • ImageParameter.DPMCodeReadingModes
  • ImageParameter.ExpectedBarcodesCount
  • ImageParameter.FormatSpecificationNameArray
  • ImageParameter.GrayscaleTransformationModes
  • ImageParameter.ImagePreprocessingModes
  • ImageParameter.IntermediateResultSavingMode
  • ImageParameter.IntermediateResultTypes
  • ImageParameter.LocalizationModes
  • ImageParameter.MaxAlgorithmThreadCount
  • ImageParameter.Name
  • ImageParameter.Pages
  • ImageParameter.PDFRasterDPI
  • ImageParameter.PDFReadingMode
  • ImageParameter.RegionDefinitionNameArray
  • ImageParameter.RegionPredetectionModes
  • ImageParameter.ResultCoordinateType
  • ImageParameter.ReturnBarcodeZoneClarity
  • ImageParameter.ScaleDownThreshold
  • ImageParameter.ScaleUpModes
  • ImageParameter.TerminatePhase
  • ImageParameter.TextAssistedCorrectionMode
  • ImageParameter.TextFilterModes
  • ImageParameter.TextResultOrderModes
  • ImageParameter.TextureDetectionModes
  • ImageParameter.Timeout

The parameters of RegionDefinition are:

  • RegionDefinition.BarcodeFormatIds
  • RegionDefinition.BarcodeFormatIds_2
  • RegionDefinition.Bottom
  • RegionDefinition.ExpectedBarcodesCount
  • RegionDefinition.FormatSpecificationNameArray
  • RegionDefinition.Left
  • RegionDefinition.MeasuredByPercentage
  • RegionDefinition.Name
  • RegionDefinition.Right
  • RegionDefinition.Top

The parameters of FormatSpecification are:

  • FormatSpecification.AccompanyingTextRecognitionModes
  • FormatSpecification.AllModuleDeviation
  • FormatSpecification.AustralianPostEncodingTable 
  • FormatSpecification.BarcodeAngleRangeArray
  • FormatSpecification.BarcodeBytesLengthRangeArray
  • FormatSpecification.BarcodeBytesRegExPattern
  • FormatSpecification.BarcodeComplementModes
  • FormatSpecification.BarcodeFormatIds
  • FormatSpecification.BarcodeFormatIds_2
  • FormatSpecification.BarcodeHeightRangeArray
  • FormatSpecification.BarcodeTextLengthRangeArray
  • FormatSpecification.BarcodeTextRegExPattern
  • FormatSpecification.BarcodeWidthRangeArray
  • FormatSpecification.Code128Subset
  • FormatSpecification.DeblurLevel
  • FormatSpecification.DeformationResistingModes
  • FormatSpecification.EnableDataMatrixECC000-140
  • FormatSpecification.EnableQRCodeModel1
  • FormatSpecification.FindUnevenModuleBarcode
  • FormatSpecification.HeadModuleRatio
  • FormatSpecification.MinQuietZoneWidth
  • FormatSpecification.MinResultConfidence
  • FormatSpecification.MirrorMode
  • FormatSpecification.ModuleSizeRangeArray
  • FormatSpecification.Name
  • FormatSpecification.RequireStartStopChars
  • FormatSpecification.ReturnPartialBarcodeValue
  • FormatSpecification.StandardFormat
  • FormatSpecification.TailModuleRatio

Parameter template files assignment rules

When setting parameters through a JSON template, Dynamsoft Barcode Reader will process the template according to the following rules:

  • Parameters not defined in ImageParameter/RegionDefinition/FormatSpecification will be filled with default values
  • FormatSpecification is automatically split into multiple settings for a single barcode format, for example:
Template you set
        "Name": "ImageParameter1", 
        "BarcodeFormatIds": ["BF_ONED"],    
        "FormatSpecificationNameArray": [
    "FormatSpecification": {
      "Name": "FormatSpecification1", 
      "BarcodeFormatIds": ["BF_CODE_39","BF_CODE_128"],
      "MinResultConfidence": 20
Template used by DBR
        "Name": "ImageParameter1", 
        "BarcodeFormatIds": ["BF_ONED"],    
        "FormatSpecificationNameArray": [
        "Name": "FormatSpecification1_BF_CODE_39", 
        "BarcodeFormatIds": ["BF_CODE_39"],
        "MinResultConfidence": 20
        "Name": "FormatSpecification1_BF_CODE_128", 
        "BarcodeFormatIds": ["BF_CODE_128"],
        "MinResultConfidence": 20
  • When the two templates are merged, duplicate parameter settings in the defined ImageParameter are handled as follows:

    • The following parameters take the maximum of the two settings
      • DeblurLevel
      • ExceptedBarcodeCount
      • MaxAlgorithmThreadCount
      • PDFRasterDPI
      • ScaleDownThreshold
      • Timeout
    • The following parameters take the combined values of two settings
      • BarcodeFormatIds
      • BarcodeFormatIds_2
      • IntermediateResultTypes
      • Pages
    • The following parameters are controlled by the ConflictMode. If ConflictMode is IGNORE, the first value is taken. If ConflictMode is OVERWRITE, the last value is taken
      • AccompanyingTextReadingModes
      • BarcodeColourModes
      • BarcodeComplementModes
      • BinarizationModes
      • ColourClusteringModes
      • ColourConversionModes - DeformationResistingModes
      • DPMCodeReadingModes
      • GrayscaleTransformationModes
      • ImagePreprogressingModes - IntermediateResultSavingMode
      • LocalizationModes
      • PDFReadingMode
      • RegionPredetectionModes
      • ResultCoordinateType
      • ReturnBarcodeZoneClarity
      • ScaleUpModes
      • TerminatePhase
      • TextAssistedCorrectionMode
      • TextFilterModes
      • TextResultOrderModes
      • TextureDetectionModes
      • RegionDefinitionNameArray: Take the last RegionDefinitionName in the last RegionDefinitionNameArray
      • FormatSpecificationNameArray: Take the combined value of the two settings, but if the FormatSpecification is set for the same barcode format, FormatSpecificationNameArray will only keep the name of the last FormatSpecification

Modes, Mode, Arguments

The entire decoding process of Dynamsoft Barcode Reader consists of many subdivided functions, among which the control parameters of some function blocks are designed in accordance with the format of Modes-Mode-Argument. That is, a function is controlled by a Modes parameter. There are many ways to implement this function, each method (Mode) has multiple unique settings, and each setting is an Argument.

Modes-Mode-Argument hierarchy

For example, one of the functions in the decoding process is barcode localization. Dynamsoft Barcode Reader provides the LocalizationModes parameter to control this function. It provides LM_CONNECTED_BLOCKS, LM_STATISTICS, LM_LINES, LM_SCAN_DIRECTLY, LM_STATISTICS_MARKS, LM_STATISTICS_POSTAL_CODE, a total of 6 methods to implement barcode localization. For LM_SCAN_DIRECTLY, there are two Arguments, ScanStride and ScanDirection.

Interfaces to change settings

Dynamsoft Barcode Reader provides two ways to set parameters: PublicRuntimeSettings and JSON template files. PublicRuntimeSettings is used to modify the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader built-in template, and only supports commonly used parameters. The following are the steps to update Dynamsoft Barcode Reader parameters through PublicRuntimeSettings:

  1. (optional) Restore the parameter settings of the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader built-in template to the default values through the ResetRuntimeSettings interface
  2. Call the GetRuntimeSettings interface to get the current PublicRuntimeSettings of the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader object
  3. Modify the contents in PublicRuntimeSettings in the previous step
  4. Call the UpdateRuntimeSettings interface to apply the modified PublicRuntimeSettings in the previous step to the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader object
  5. (optional) Call the SetModeArgument interface to set the optional argument for a specified mode in Modes parameters.

JSON templates supports all Dynamsoft Barcode Reader parameters. The related parameter setting interfaces are:

  • InitRuntimeSettingsWithFile: After calling this interface, the template definition in the file are processed according to the merging rules stated in the “Multiple parameter template files” section. Each independent template is stored in the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader object. All templates are merged into one template, then replace the built-in template of Dynamsoft Barcode Reader;
  • InitRuntimeSettingsWithString: The effect after calling this interface is the same as InitRuntimeSettingsWithFile. The only difference is the template definition of InitRuntimeSettingsWithString is saved as a string;
  • AppendTplFileToRuntimeSettings: After calling this interface, the template definition in the file will be processed according to the merging rules stated in the “Multiple parameter template files” section . Each independent template is stored in the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader object. All templates, including Dynamsoft Barcode Reader’s built-in template, are merged into one template to replace the built-in template of Dynamsoft Barcode Reader;
  • AppendTplStringToRuntimeSettings: The effect after calling this interface is the same as AppendTplFileToRuntimeSettings. The only difference is the template definition of AppendTplStringToRuntimeSettings is saved as a string.

This page is compatible for:

Version 7.5.0

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version 7.6.0

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  • Version 9.x
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