How to Get Barcode Location
Once a barcode is found, you could be inclined to highlight it on the image for a better user experience. In this article, we will explain how to get the coordinates of the barcode so that they can be used to highlight the barcode.
A barcode result is returned as a BarcodeResultItem
which provides a method GetLocation
to get the result coordinate points. The result points are listed in clockwise order, starting from the top-left point of the barcode area. The next section will explore the different code snippets for each supported programming language.
Code Snippet
The following code snippet shows how to get the coordinates of the barcode:
- JavaScript
- C++
- Android
- Objective-C
- Swift
- Python
- C#
const result = await cvRouter.capture(file, "ReadSingleBarcode"); for (let item of result.items) { if (item.type === Dynamsoft.Core.EnumCapturedResultItemType.CRIT_BARCODE) { console.log("Point 0: " + JSON.stringify(item.location.points[0])); console.log("Point 1: " + JSON.stringify(item.location.points[1])); console.log("Point 2: " + JSON.stringify(item.location.points[2])); console.log("Point 3: " + JSON.stringify(item.location.points[3])); } }
CCaptureVisionRouter* cvr = new CCaptureVisionRouter; CCapturedResult* result = cvr->Capture("IMAGE-FILE-PATH", CPresetTemplate::PT_READ_BARCODES); if (result->GetErrorCode() != 0) { cout << "Error: " << result->GetErrorCode() << "," << result->GetErrorString() << endl; } CDecodedBarcodesResult* barcodeResult = result->GetDecodedBarcodesResult(); if (barcodeResult != nullptr || barcodeResult->GetItemsCount() != 0) { for (int index = 0; index < barcodeResult->GetItemsCount(); ++index) { const CBarcodeResultItem* barcode = barcodeResult->GetItem(index); CQuadrilateral location = barcode->GetLocation(); cout << "Result " << index + 1 << endl; cout << "Point 0: [ " << location.points[0][0] << ", " << location.points[0][1] << " ]" << endl; cout << "Point 1: [ " << location.points[1][0] << ", " << location.points[1][1] << " ]" << endl; cout << "Point 2: [ " << location.points[2][0] << ", " << location.points[2][1] << " ]" << endl; cout << "Point 3: [ " << location.points[3][0] << ", " << location.points[3][1] << " ]" << endl; } barcodeResult->Release(); } result->Release(); // more process here
public void onDecodedBarcodesReceived(DecodedBarcodesResult result) { if (result != null){ BarcodeResultItem[] items = result.getItems(); for (int i=0; i < items.length; i++){ BarcodeResultItem item = items[i]; Quadrilateral barcodeQuadArea = item.getLocation(); Point topLeftPoint = barcodeQuadArea.points[0]; Point topRightPoint = barcodeQuadArea.points[1]; Point bottomRightPoint = barcodeQuadArea.points[2]; Point bottomLeftPoint = barcodeQuadArea.points[3]; Log.i("DecodedBarcodes", "onDecodedBarcodesReceived: This is the number "+i+" barcode"); Log.i("DecodedBarcodes", "The first point is: ("+topLeftPoint.x+", "+topLeftPoint.y+")"); Log.i("DecodedBarcodes", "The second point is: ("+topRightPoint.x+", "+topRightPoint.y+")"); Log.i("DecodedBarcodes", "The third point is: ("+bottomRightPoint.x+", "+bottomRightPoint.y+")"); Log.i("DecodedBarcodes", "The fourth point is: ("+bottomLeftPoint.x+", "+bottomLeftPoint.y+")"); } } }
- (void)onDecodedBarcodesReceived:(DSDecodedBarcodesResult *)result { if (result.items.count > 0) { for (DSBarcodeResultItem *item in result.items) { DSQuadrilateral *barcodeQuadArea = item.location; CGPoint topLeftPoint = [barcodeQuadArea.points[0] CGPointValue]; CGPoint topRightPoint = [barcodeQuadArea.points[1] CGPointValue]; CGPoint bottomRightPoint = [barcodeQuadArea.points[2] CGPointValue]; CGPoint bottomLeftPoint = [barcodeQuadArea.points[3] CGPointValue]; } } }
func onDecodedBarcodesReceived(_ result: DecodedBarcodesResult) { if let items = result.items, items.count > 0 { for item in items { let barcodeQuadArea = item.location let topLeftPoint:CGPoint = barcodeQuadArea.points[0] as! CGPoint let topRightPoint:CGPoint = barcodeQuadArea.points[1] as! CGPoint let buttomRightPoint:CGPoint = barcodeQuadArea.points[2] as! CGPoint let bottomLeftPoint:CGPoint = barcodeQuadArea.points[3] as! CGPoint } } }
cvr = CaptureVisionRouter() result = cvr.capture("IMAGE-FILE-PATH", EnumPresetTemplate.PT_READ_BARCODES.value) if result.get_error_code() != EnumErrorCode.EC_OK: print("Error:", result.get_error_code(), result.get_error_string()) barcode_result = result.get_decoded_barcodes_result() if barcode_result is None or barcode_result.get_items() == 0: print("No barcode detected.") else: items = barcode_result.get_items() print("Decoded", len(items), "barcodes.") for index,item in enumerate(items): quad = item.get_location() print("Result", index+1) print("Point 0: [{0},{1}]".format(quad.points[0].x, quad.points[0].y)) print("Point 1: [{0},{1}]".format(quad.points[1].x, quad.points[1].y)) print("Point 2: [{0},{1}]".format(quad.points[2].x, quad.points[2].y)) print("Point 3: [{0},{1}]".format(quad.points[3].x, quad.points[3].y))
using (CaptureVisionRouter cvr = new CaptureVisionRouter()) { string imageFile = "IMAGE-FILE-PATH"; CapturedResult? result = cvr.Capture(imageFile, PresetTemplate.PT_READ_BARCODES); if (result == null) { Console.WriteLine("No barcode detected."); } else { if (result.GetErrorCode() != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + result.GetErrorCode() + ", " + result.GetErrorString()); } DecodedBarcodesResult? barcodesResult = result.GetDecodedBarcodesResult(); if (barcodesResult != null) { BarcodeResultItem[] items = barcodesResult.GetItems(); Console.WriteLine("Decoded " + items.Length + " barcodes"); foreach (BarcodeResultItem barcodeItem in items) { Console.WriteLine("Result " + (Array.IndexOf(items, barcodeItem) + 1)); Quadrilateral quad = barcodeItem.GetLocation(); Console.WriteLine("Point 0: [{0},{1}]", quad.points[0][0], quad.points[0][1]); Console.WriteLine("Point 1: [{0},{1}]", quad.points[1][0], quad.points[1][1]); Console.WriteLine("Point 2: [{0},{1}]", quad.points[2][0], quad.points[2][1]); Console.WriteLine("Point 3: [{0},{1}]", quad.points[3][0], quad.points[3][1]); } } } }