Table of contents


Stores the image data.

class com.dynamsoft.dbr.ImageData
Method Description
toBitmap Convert the ImageData to a Bitmap.


Convert the ImageData to a Bitmap.

Bitmap toBitmap() throws BarcodeReaderException

Return Value

A Bitmap that converted from the ImageData.

Code Snippet

Bitmap bitmap = imageData.toBitmap();
Attribute Type Descriptions
bytes byte[] The image data content in a byte array.
width int The width of the image in pixels.
height int The height of the image in pixels.
stride int The stride (or scan width) of the image.
format int The image pixel format used in the image byte array.
orientation int The orientation of the image.


The image data content in a byte array.

byte[] bytes


The width of the image in pixels.

int width


The height of the image in pixels.

int height


The stride (or scan width) of the image.

int stride


The image pixel format used in the image byte array.

int format


The orientation of the image. It can be 0, 90, 180, or 270 based on the device orientation.

int orientation

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