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Stores the QRCode details.


Attribute Type
moduleSize int
rows int
columns int
errorCorrectionLevel EnumQRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel
version int
model int


The barcode module size (the minimum bar width in pixels).

int com.dynamsoft.barcode.QRCodeDetails.moduleSize


The row count of the barcode.

int com.dynamsoft.barcode.QRCodeDetails.rows


The column count of the barcode.

int com.dynamsoft.barcode.QRCodeDetails.columns


The error correction level of the barcode.

int com.dynamsoft.barcode.QRCodeDetails.errorCorrectionLevel


The version of the QR Code.

int com.dynamsoft.barcode.QRCodeDetails.version


Number of the models.

int com.dynamsoft.barcode.QRCodeDetails.model

This page is compatible for:

Version 7.5.0

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In this article:

version 7.6.0

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    • Version 10.0.21
    • Version 10.0.20
    • Version 10.2.10
    • Version 10.0.21
    • Version 10.0.20
  • Version 9.x
    • Version 9.6.40
    • Version 9.6.20
    • Version 9.6.11
    • Version 9.6.10
    • Version 9.6.0
    • Version 9.4.0
    • Version 9.2.11
    • Version 9.2.10
    • Version 9.0.2
    • Version 9.0.1
    • Version 9.0.0
    • Version 9.6.40
    • Version 9.6.20
    • Version 9.6.10
    • Version 9.6.0
    • Version 9.4.0
    • Version 9.2.13
    • Version 9.2.10
    • Version 9.0.2
    • Version 9.0.1
    • Version 9.0.0
  • Version 8.x
    • Version 8.9.3
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    • Version 8.9.0
    • Version 8.8.0
    • Version 8.6.0
    • Version 8.4.0
    • Version 8.2.1
    • Version 8.2.0
    • Version 8.1.2
    • Version 8.1.0
    • Version 8.0.0
    • Version 8.9.3
    • Version 8.9.1
    • Version 8.9.0
    • Version 8.8.0
    • Version 8.6.0
    • Version 8.4.0
    • Version 8.2.1
    • Version 8.2.0
    • Version 8.1.2
    • Version 8.1.0
    • Version 8.0.0
  • Version 7.x
    • Version 7.6.0
    • Version 7.5.0
    • Version 7.6.0
    • Version 7.5.0
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