Table of contents

Decode Methods

Method Description
decodeBuffer(ImageData) Decode barcodes with an image data object. This method can handle the orientation information and output a result with transformation matrix for transferring coordinates.
decodeBuffer Decode barcodes with image data including pixel buffer, width, height, stride and pixel format. Generally, this method is used when processing video streaming.
decodeFile Decode barcodes from a specified image file.
decodeFileInMemory(fileBytes) Decode barcodes from an image file in memory.
decodeFileInMemory(fileStream) Decode barcodes from an image file in memory.
decodeBase64String Decode barcodes from a base64 encoded string.
decodeBufferedImage Decodes barcode from a buffered imag (bitmap).


Decode barcodes from an ImageData object. The ImageData object stores the pixel buffer, width, height, stride and pixel format of the image.

TextResult[] decodeBuffer(ImageData imageData) throws BarcodeReaderException


imageData: The image data in memory buffer which also contains the pixel format and orientation information.


A BarcodeReaderException is thrown when:

  • The library failed to read the image.
  • The image data type is not supported.

Return Value

The TextResult of all successfully decoded barcodes. TextResult includes the text, format and other information about the barcodes.

There are several approaches for you to get an ImageData.

Get ImageData from DCEFrame

You can import CameraEnhancer to acquire buffered video frames from frameOutputCallback or videoBuffer of DCE.

Code Snippet

/*You can get frames from frame output call back if you import dynamsoft camera enhancer package.*/
/*You can get all the required parameters of decodeBuffer from DCEFrame.*/
import com.dynamsoft.dce.CameraEnhancer;

BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader();
mCameraEnhancer.addListener(new DCEFrameListener() {
    public void frameOutputCallback(DCEFrame dceFrame, long l) {
        ImageData data = new ImageData();
        data.bytes = dceFrame.getImageData();
        data.width = dceFrame.getWidth();
        data.height = dceFrame.getHeight();
        data.stride = dceFrame.getStrides()[0];
        data.format = dceFrame.getPixelFormat(); 
        data.orientation = dceFrame.getOrientation();

Get ImageData from Android Camera2

When you are using Android Camera2, you can create ImageData from

Code Snippet

previewReader.setOnImageAvailableListener(new ImageReader.OnImageAvailableListener() {
    public void onImageAvailable(ImageReader reader) {
        Image mImage = reader.acquireLatestImage();
        ByteBuffer bufferY = mImage.getPlanes()[0].getBuffer();
        int strideY = mImage.getPlanes()[0].getRowStride() / mImage.getPlanes()[0].getPixelStride();
        ByteBuffer bufferU = mImage.getPlanes()[1].getBuffer();
        int strideU = mImage.getPlanes()[1].getRowStride() / mImage.getPlanes()[1].getPixelStride();
        ByteBuffer bufferV = mImage.getPlanes()[2].getBuffer();
        int strideV = mImage.getPlanes()[2].getRowStride() / mImage.getPlanes()[2].getPixelStride();
        int padingY = mImage.getPlanes()[0].getRowStride() - mImage.getWidth();
        int padingU = mImage.getPlanes()[1].getRowStride() - mImage.getWidth();
        byte[] newData = new byte[bufferY.limit()];
        newData = new byte[bufferY.limit() + bufferU.limit() + 1 + padingY + padingU];
        bufferV.get(newData, bufferY.limit() + padingY, 1);
        bufferU.get(newData, bufferY.limit() + padingY + 1, bufferU.limit());
        bufferY.get(newData, 0, bufferY.limit());
        int[] strides = new int[]{strideY, strideU, strideV};
        ImageData data = new ImageData();
        data.bytes = dceFrame.getImageData();
        data.width = strideY;
        data.height = mImage.getHeight();
        data.stride = strideY;
        data.format = 3; 
        data.orientation = 0;

Get ImageData from CameraX

When you are using CameraX, you can create ImageData from

Code Snippet

private final ImageAnalysis.Analyzer mBarcodeAnalyzer = new ImageAnalysis.Analyzer() {
    public void analyze(@NonNull ImageProxy imageProxy) {
        try {
            // insert your code here.
            // after done, release the ImageProxy object
            if (isShowingDialog) {
                mImageData = null;
            byte[] data = new byte[imageProxy.getPlanes()[0].getBuffer().remaining()];
            int nRowStride = imageProxy.getPlanes()[0].getRowStride();
            int nPixelStride = imageProxy.getPlanes()[0].getPixelStride();

            ImageData imageData = new ImageData();
            imageData.bytes = data;
            imageData.width = imageProxy.getWidth();
            imageData.height = imageProxy.getHeight();
            imageData.stride = nRowStride;
            imageData.format = EnumImagePixelFormat.IPF_NV21;
            imageData.orientation = imageProxy.getImageInfo().getRotationDegrees();
        } finally {


Decode barcodes with image data including pixel buffer, width, height, stride and pixel format.

TextResult[] decodeBuffer(byte[] buffer, int width, int height, int stride, int enumImagePixelFormat) throws BarcodeReaderException


buffer: The array of bytes that stores the pixel buffer of the image.
Width: The width of the image in pixels.
Height: The height of the image in pixels.
Stride: The stride is measured by the byte length of each line in the buffer.
format: The image pixel format used in the image byte array.

Return Value

The TextResult of all successfully decoded barcodes. TextResult includes the text, format and other information about the barcodes.


A BarcodeReaderException is thrown when:

  • The library failed to read the image.
  • The image data type is not supported.


Decode barcodes from a specified image file.

TextResult[] decodeFile(String fileFullPath) throws BarcodeReaderException


fileFullPath: A string defining the file path. It supports BMP, TIFF, JPG and PNG.

Note: PDF is not supported by mobile editions. Please use server/desktop editions instead.

Return Value

The TextResult of all successfully decoded barcodes. TextResult includes the text, format and other information about the barcodes.


A BarcodeReaderException is thrown when:

  • The file is not found.
  • The library failed to read the image.
  • The image data type is not supported.

Code Snippet

BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader();
/*Init DBR license before decoding*/
/*Read external storage permission is required when decoding from a file*/
TextResult[] result = reader.decodeFile(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString()+"your file path");


Decode barcodes from an image file in memory.

TextResult[] decodeFileInMemory(byte[] fileBytes) throws BarcodeReaderException


fileBytes: The image file bytes in memory.

Return Value

The TextResult of all successfully decoded barcodes. TextResult includes the text, format and other information about the barcodes.


A BarcodeReaderException is thrown when:

  • The library failed to read the image.
  • The image data type is not supported.

Code Snippet

BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader();
/*Init DBR license before decoding
get bufferBytes from other component*/
TextResult[] result = reader.decodeFileInMemory(bufferBytes);


Decode barcodes from an image file in memory.

TextResult [] decodeFileInMemory(InputStream fileStream) throws BarcodeReaderException, IOException


fileStream: The image file bytes in memory.

Return Value

The TextResult of all successfully decoded barcodes. TextResult includes the text, format and other information about the barcodes.


A BarcodeReaderException is thrown when:

  • The library failed to read the image.
  • The image data type is not supported.

Code Snippet

BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader();
/*Init DBR license before decoding
get bufferBytes from other component*/
TextResult[] result = reader.decodeFileInMemory(fileStream);


Decode barcode from an image file encoded as a base64 string.

TextResult[] decodeBase64String(String base64) throws BarcodeReaderException


base64: A base64 encoded string that represents an image.

Return Value

The TextResult of all successfully decoded barcodes. TextResult includes the text, format and other information about the barcodes.


A BarcodeReaderException is thrown when:

  • The library failed to read the image.
  • The image data type is not supported.

Code Snippet

BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader();
/*Init DBR license before decoding*/
TextResult[] result = reader.decodeBase64String("file in base64 string");


Decodes barcode from a buffered image (bitmap).

TextResult[] decodeBufferedImage(Bitmap image) throws BarcodeReaderException


image: The image to be decoded.

Return Value

The TextResult of all successfully decoded barcodes. TextResult includes the text, format and other information about the barcodes.


A BarcodeReaderException is thrown when:

  • The library failed to read the image.
  • The image data type is not supported.

Code Snippet

BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader();
/*Init DBR license before decoding*/
/*get BufferedImage input from other component*/
TextResult[] result = reader.decodeBufferedImage(input);

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