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License Methods

Method Description
initLicense Read product key and activate the SDK.
setDeviceFriendlyName Sets a human-readable name that identifies the device.


Read the product key and activate the SDK.

static void initLicense(String license, DBRLicenseVerificationListener listener)


license: The product keys. listener: The listener that handles callback when the license verification message is returned by the license server. See also DBRLicenseVerificationListener.

Code Snippet

BarcodeReader.initLicense("DLS2eyJvcmdhbml6YXRpb25JRCI6IjIwMDAwMSJ9", new DBRLicenseVerificationListener() {
   public void DBRLicenseVerificationCallback(boolean isSuccess, Exception error) {


Sets a human-readable name that identifies the device. This name will appear in the device details table when you check the statistics of the according license.

static void setDeviceFriendlyName(String name) throws BarcodeReaderException


name The user-defined device name.



Code Snippet

try {
   BarcodeReader.setDeviceFriendlyName("Set a name for your device.");
} catch (BarcodeReaderException e) {

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