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enum EnumIntermediateResultSavingMode { 
    IRSM_MEMORY = 0x01, 
    IRSM_FILESYSTEM = 0x02, 
    IRSM_BOTH = 0x04 
  • Android
  • Objective-C
  • Swift
public class EnumIntermediateResultSavingMode {
    public static final int IRSM_MEMORY = 1;
    public static final int IRSM_FILESYSTEM = 2;
    public static final int IRSM_BOTH = 4;
    public static final int IRSM_REFERENCE_MEMORY = 8;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, EnumIntermediateResultSavingMode)
    /**Saves intermediate results in memory.*/
    EnumIntermediateResultSavingModeMemory = 0x01,
    /**Saves intermediate results in file system. Check @ref IRSM for available argument settings.*/
    EnumIntermediateResultSavingModeFileSystem = 0x02,
    /**Saves intermediate results both in memory and file system. Check @ref IRSM for available argument settings.*/
    EnumIntermediateResultSavingModeBoth = 0x04,
    /**Saves intermediate results in memory with internal data format.*/
    EnumIntermediateResultSavingModeReferenceMemory = 0x08
public enum EnumIntermediateResultSavingMode : Int{
    /**Saves intermediate results in memory.*/
    memory = 0x01
    /**Saves intermediate results in file system. Check @ref IRSM for available argument settings.*/
    fileSystem = 0x02
    /**Saves intermediate results both in memory and file system. Check @ref IRSM for available argument settings.*/
    both = 0x04
    /**Saves intermediate results in memory with internal data format.*/
    referenceMemory = 0x08

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