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Stores the Aztec details.


typedef struct tagAztecDetails  AztecDetails


Attribute Type
moduleSize int
rows int
columns int
layerNumber int
reserved char[32]


The barcode module size (the minimum bar width in pixel).

int tagAztecDetails::moduleSize


The row count of the barcode.

int tagAztecDetails::rows


The column count of the barcode.

int tagAztecDetails::columns


A negative number (-1, -2, -3, -4) specifies a compact Aztec code. A positive number (1, 2, .. 32) specifies a normal (full-rang) Aztec code.

int tagAztecDetails::layerNumber


Reserved memory for the struct. The length of this array indicates the size of the memory reserved for this struct.

char tagAztecDetails::reserved[32]

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