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How to Upgrade to Latest Version

From version 8.x

  • You need to replace the old assembly files with the ones in the latest version. Download the latest version here.

  • Go to Customer Portal to get your license key.

  • Update your code to set the license

    char errorBuf[512];
    DBR_InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", errorBuf, 512);
    void* dbr = DBR_GetInstance();
    if(dbr != NULL)
        // Add your code here to call decoding method, process barcode results and so on
        // ...

Note: The following license activation related functions have been deprecated, they still work in this version but could be removed in version 10.0. We recommend you to use DBR_InitLicense to set the license.

  • DBR_InitLicenseFromDLS
  • DBR_InitLicenseFromServer
  • DBR_InitLicenseFromLicenseContent

From version 7.x

  • You need to replace the old assembly files with the ones in the latest version. Download the latest version here.

  • Go to Customer Portal to get your license key.

  • Update your code to set the license

    char errorBuf[512];
    DBR_InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", errorBuf, 512);
    void* dbr = DBR_GetInstance();
    if(dbr != NULL)
        // Add your code here to call decoding method, process barcode results and so on
        // ...

Note: The following license activation related functions have been deprecated, they still work in this version but could be removed in version 10.0. We recommend you to use DBR_InitLicense to set the license.

  • DBR_InitLicenseFromServer
  • DBR_InitLicenseFromLicenseContent

From version 6.x

We made some structural updates in the new version. To upgrade from 6.x to 9.x, we recommend you to review our sample code and re-write the barcode scanning module.

This page is compatible for:

Version 7.5.0

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latest version

  • Latest version
  • Version 10.x
    • Version 10.2.10
    • Version 10.2.0
    • Version 10.0.20
    • Version 10.0.10
    • Version 10.0.0
  • Version 9.x
    • Version 9.6.40
    • Version 9.6.30
    • Version 9.6.20
    • Version 9.6.10
    • Version 9.6.0
    • Version 9.4.0
    • Version 9.2.0
    • Version 9.0.0
  • Version 8.x
    • Version 8.8.0
    • Version 8.6.0
    • Version 8.4.0
    • Version 8.2.0
    • Version 8.1.2
    • Version 8.1.0
    • Version 8.0.0
  • Version 7.x
    • Version 7.6.0
    • Version 7.5.0
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