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CExtendedBarcodeResult Class

The CExtendedBarcodeResult class represents an extended barcode result in a decoded barcode element. It contains information such as the type of extended barcode, deformation, clarity, and a sampling image of the barcode.


Namespace: dynamsoft::dbr

Assembly: DynamsoftBarcodeReader

Inheritance: CDecodedBarcodeElement -> CExtendedBarcodeResult

class CExtendedBarcodeResult : public CDecodedBarcodeElement


Method Description
GetExtendedBarcodeResultType Gets the type of extended barcode result.
GetDeformation Gets the deformation of the barcode.
GetClarity Gets the clarity of the barcode.
GetSamplingImage Gets the sampling image of the barcode.


Gets the type of extended barcode result.

virtual ExtendedBarcodeResultType GetExtendedBarcodeResultType() const = 0;

Return value

Returns the type of the extended barcode result.

See Also

Enumeration ExtendedBarcodeResultType


Gets the deformation of the barcode.

virtual int GetDeformation() const = 0;

Return value

Returns the deformation of the barcode.


Gets the clarity of the barcode.

virtual int GetClarity() const = 0;

Return value

Returns the clarity of the barcode.


Gets the sampling image of the barcode.

virtual const CImageData* GetSamplingImage() const = 0;

Return value

Returns a pointer to the sampling image of the barcode.

See Also


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