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The COneDCodeDetails class represents detailed information about a one-dimensional barcode. It inherits from the CBarcodeDetails class.


Namespace: dynamsoft::dbr

Assembly: DynamsoftBarcodeReader

Inheritance: CBarcodeDetails -> COneDCodeDetails

class COneDCodeDetails : public CBarcodeDetails


Attribute Type
startCharsBytes unsigned char*
startCharsBytesLength int
stopCharsBytes unsigned char*
stopCharsBytesLength int
checkDigitBytes unsigned char*
checkDigitBytesLength int
startPatternRange float[2]
middlePatternRange float[2]
endPatternRange float[2]
reserved char[8]


Method Description
COneDCodeDetails Constructor for the COneDCodeDetails class.
~COneDCodeDetails Destructor for the COneDCodeDetails class.


The start chars of the one-dimensional barcode in a byte array.

unsigned char* startCharsBytes


The length of the start chars byte array.

int startCharsBytesLength


The stop chars of the one-dimensional barcode in a byte array.

unsigned char* stopCharsBytes


The length of the stop chars byte array.

int stopCharsBytesLength


The check digit chars of the one-dimensional barcode in a byte array.

unsigned char* checkDigitBytes


The length of the check digit chars byte array.

int checkDigitBytesLength


The position of the start pattern relative to the barcode location.

float startPatternRange[2]
Index Type Description
0 float X coordinate of the start position in percentage value.
1 float X coordinate of the end position in percentage value.


The position of the middle pattern relative to the barcode location.

float middlePatternRange[2]
Index Type Description
0 float X coordinate of the start position in percentage value.
1 float X coordinate of the end position in percentage value.


The position of the end pattern relative to the barcode location.

float endPatternRange[2]
Index Type Description
0 float X coordinate of the start position in percentage value.
1 float X coordinate of the end position in percentage value.


Reserved memory for the COneDCodeDetails struct. The length of this array indicates the size of the memory reserved for this struct.

char reserved[8]


Constructor for the COneDCodeDetails class.



Destructor for the COneDCodeDetails class.

virtual ~COneDCodeDetails()

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