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The CPDF417Details class represents a barcode in PDF417 format. It inherits from the CBarcodeDetails class and contains information about the row count, column count, and error correction level of the barcode.


Namespace: dynamsoft::dbr

Assembly: DynamsoftBarcodeReader

Inheritance: CBarcodeDetails -> CPDF417Details

class CPDF417Details : public CBarcodeDetails


Attribute Type
rows int
columns int
errorCorrectionLevel int
hasLeftRowIndicator int
hasRightRowIndicator int


The number of rows in the PDF417 barcode.

int rows


The number of columns in the PDF417 barcode.

int columns


Specifies the error correction level of PDF417 code.

int errorCorrectionLevel


Specifies whether the left row indicator of the PDF417 code exists.

int hasLeftRowIndicator


Specifies whether the right row indicator of the PDF417 code exists.

int hasRightRowIndicator

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Version 7.5.0

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    • Version 10.x
      • Version 10.2.10
      • Version 10.2.0
      • Version 10.0.20
      • Version 10.0.10
      • Version 10.0.0
    • Version 9.x
      • Version 9.6.40
      • Version 9.6.30
      • Version 9.6.20
      • Version 9.6.10
      • Version 9.6.0
      • Version 9.4.0
      • Version 9.2.0
      • Version 9.0.0
    • Version 8.x
      • Version 8.8.0
      • Version 8.6.0
      • Version 8.4.0
      • Version 8.2.0
      • Version 8.1.2
      • Version 8.1.0
      • Version 8.0.0
    • Version 7.x
      • Version 7.6.0
      • Version 7.5.0
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