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Result Methods

Method Description
GetIntermediateResults Returns intermediate results containing the original image, the colour clustered image, the binarized Image, contours, Lines, TextBlocks, etc.


Returns intermediate results containing the original image, the colour clustered image, the binarized Image, contours, Lines, TextBlocks, etc.

IntermediateResult[] Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeReader.GetIntermediateResults() 

Return Value
IntermediateResult array.

Code Snippet

string errorMsg;
BarcodeReader.InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", out errorMsg);
BarcodeReader reader = BarcodeReader.GetInstance();
if (reader != null)
	PublicRuntimeSettings settings = new PublicRuntimeSettings();
	settings = reader.GetRuntimeSettings();
	settings.IntermediateResultTypes = (int)(EnumIntermediateResultType.IRT_ORIGINAL_IMAGE | EnumIntermediateResultType.IRT_COLOUR_CLUSTERED_IMAGE | EnumIntermediateResultType.IRT_COLOUR_CONVERTED_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE);
	string fileName = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Dynamsoft\{Version number}\Images\AllSupportedBarcodeTypes.tif";
	TextResult[] textResult = demo.DecodeFile(fileName, "");
	IntermediateResult[] intermediateResults = reader.GetIntermediateResults();
	//... add further process

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