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Other Enumeration

Enumeration Description
DM_ChargeWay Describes the charge way.
DM_DeploymentType Describes the deployment type.
DM_LicenseModule Describes Dynamsoft license modules.
DM_UUIDGenerationMethod Describes the UUID generation method.
ImagePixelFormat Describes the image pixel format.
QRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel Describes the QR Code error correction level.
Product Describes Dynamsoft products.


Describes charge way.


class EnumDMChargeWay


Member Value Description
DM_CW_AUTO 0 The charge way automatically determined by the license server.
DM_CW_DEVICE_COUNT 1 Charges by the count of devices.
DM_CW_SCAN_COUNT 2 Charges by the count of barcode scans.
DM_CW_CONCURRENT_DEVICE_COUNT 3 Charges by the count of concurrent devices.
DM_CW_APP_DOMAIN_COUNT 6 Charges by the count of app domains.
DM_CW_ACTIVE_DEVICE_COUNT 8 Charges by the count of active devices.
DM_CW_INSTANCE_COUNT 9 Charges by the count of instances.
DM_CW_CONCURRENT_INSTANCE_COUNT 10 Charges by the count of concurrent instances.


Describes the deployment type.


class EnumDMDeploymentType


Member Value Description
DM_DT_SERVER 1 Server deployment type
DM_DT_EMBEDDED_DEVICE 6 Embedded device deployment type
DM_DT_OEM 7 OEM deployment type


Describes Dynamsoft license modules.


class EnumDMLicenseModule


Member Value Description
DM_LM_ONED 1 One-D barcodes license module
DM_LM_QR_CODE 2 QR Code barcodes license module
DM_LM_PDF417 3 PDF417 barcodes license module
DM_LM_DATAMATRIX 4 DATAMATRIX barcodes license module
DM_LM_AZTEC 5 Aztec barcodes license module
DM_LM_MAXICODE 6 MAXICODE barcodes license module
DM_LM_PATCHCODE 7 Patch code barcodes license module
DM_LM_GS1_DATABAR 8 GS1 Databar barcodes license module
DM_LM_GS1_COMPOSITE 9 GS1 Composite Code barcodes license module
DM_LM_POSTALCODE 10 Postal code barcodes license module
DM_LM_DOTCODE 11 DotCode barcodes license module
DM_LM_DDM_LM_INTERMEDIATE_RESULTATAMATRIX 12 Intermediate result license module
DM_LM_DPM 13 DATAMATRIX DPM (Direct Part Marking) license module
DM_LM_NONSTANDARD_BARCODE 16 Nonstandard barcodes license module


Describes UUID generation method.


class EnumDMUUIDGenerationMethod


Member Value Description
DM_UUIDGM_RANDOM 1 Generates UUID with random values.
DM_UUIDGM_HARDWARE 2 Generates UUID based on hardware info.


Describes the image pixel format.


class EnumImagePixelFormat


Member Value Description
IPF_BINARY 0 0: Black, 1: White
IPF_BINARYINVERTED 1 0: Black, 1: White
IPF_GRAYSCALED 2 8 bit gray
IPF_NV21 3 NV21
IPF_RGB_565 4 16bit with RGB channel order stored in memory from high to low address
IPF_RGB_555 5 16bit with RGB channel order stored in memory from high to low address
IPF_RGB_888 6 24bit with RGB channel order stored in memory from high to low address
IPF_ARGB_8888 7 32bit with ARGB channel order stored in memory from high to low address
IPF_RGB_161616 8 48bit with RGB channel order stored in memory from high to low address
IPF_ARGB_16161616 9 64bit with ARGB channel order stored in memory from high to low address
IPF_ABGR_8888 10 32bit with ABGR channel order stored in memory from high to low address
IPF_ABGR_16161616 11 64bit with ABGR channel order stored in memory from high to low address
IPF_BGR_888 12 24bit with BGR channel order stored in memory from high to low address


Describes the QR Code error correction level.


class EnumQRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel


Member Value Description
QRECL_ERROR_CORRECTION_H 0 Error Correction Level H (high)
QRECL_ERROR_CORRECTION_L 1 Error Correction Level L (low)
QRECL_ERROR_CORRECTION_M 2 Error Correction Level M (medium-low)
QRECL_ERROR_CORRECTION_Q 3 Error Correction Level Q (medium-high)


Describes Dynamsoft products.


class EnumProduct


Member Value Description
PROD_DBR 0x0001 Dynamsoft Barcode Reader
PROD_DLR 0x0002 Dynamsoft Label Recognition
PROD_DWT 0x0004 Dynamic Web Twain
PROD_DCE 0x0008 Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer
PROD_DPS 0x0010 Dynamsoft Panorama
PROD_ALL 0xFFFF All Dynamsoft products

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