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Samples and Demos - Java Edition


Sample Name Description
HelloWorld This sample demonstrates the simplest way to read barcodes from an image file and output barcode format and text.
GeneralSettings This sample demonstrates how to configure general used settings and read barcodes from an image file.
ImageDecoding This sample demonstrates how to decode images in various format (including Disk File/File Bytes in Memory/Raw Buffer/Base64 String/Bitmap) when using Dynamsoft Barcode Reader.
SpeedFirstSettings This sample demonstrates how to configure Dynamsoft Barcode Reader to read barcodes as fast as possible. The downside is that read-rate and accuracy might be affected.
ReadRateFirstSettings This sample demonstrates how to configure Dynamsoft Barcode Reader to read as many barcodes as possible at one time. The downside is that speed and accuracy might be affected. It is recommended to apply these configurations when decoding multiple barcodes from a single image.
AccuracyFirstSettings This sample demonstrates how to configure Dynamsoft Barcode Reader to read barcodes as accurately as possible. The downside is that speed and read-rate might be affected. It is recommended to apply these configurations when misreading is unbearable.

Official Online Demo

This Online Demo is an online barcode scanner for all barcode types. All supported parameters are opened for customization to see how Dynamsoft Barcode Reader works in different usage scenarios.

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Version 7.5.0

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