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Advanced Settings Methods

Method Description
init_runtime_settings_with_file Initializes runtime settings with the settings in a given JSON file.
init_runtime_settings_with_string Initializes runtime settings with the settings in a given JSON string.
append_template_file_to_runtime_settings Appends a new template file to the current runtime settings.
append_template_string_to_runtime_settings Appends a new template string to the current runtime settings.
get_all_template_names Gets the parameter templates name array.
output_settings_to_json_file Outputs runtime settings to a settings file (JSON file).
output_settings_to_json_string Outputs runtime settings to a string.


Initialize runtime settings with the settings in a given JSON file.

BarcodeReader.init_runtime_settings_with_file(json_file, conflict_mode=EnumConflictMode.CM_OVERWRITE)


[in] json_file <str> : The path of the settings file.
[in] conflict_mode <optional><class EnumConflictMode> : The parameter setting mode, which decides to inherit parameters from previous template setting or overwrite previous settings and replace by new template.

Return Value

error <tuple> : error_code = error[0], error_message = error[1], if error_code != EnumErrorCode.DBR_OK, you can get the detailed error message by error_message.

Code Snippet

from dbr import *
reader = BarcodeReader()

error = reader.init_runtime_settings_with_file(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Dynamsoft\{Version number}\Templates\RuntimeSettings.json")

if error[0] != 0:


Initialize runtime settings with the settings in given JSON string.

BarcodeReader.init_runtime_settings_with_string(json_string, conflict_mode=EnumConflictMode.CM_OVERWRITE)


[in] json_string <str> : A JSON string that represents the content of the settings.
[in] conflict_mode <optional><class EnumConflictMode> : The parameter setting mode, which decides to inherit parameters from previous template setting or overwrite previous settings and replace by new template.

Return Value

error <tuple> : error_code = error[0], error_message = error[1], if error_code != EnumErrorCode.DBR_OK, you can get the detailed error message by error_message.

Code Snippet

from dbr import *
reader = BarcodeReader()

error = reader.init_runtime_settings_with_string('{"Version":"3.0", "ImageParameter":{"Name":"IP1", "BarcodeFormatIds":["BF_QR_CODE"], "ExpectedBarcodesCount":10}}')

if error[0] != 0:


Append a new template file to the current runtime settings.

BarcodeReader.append_template_file_to_runtime_settings(json_file, conflict_mode)

[in] json_file <str> : A JSON template file’s path.
[in] conflict_mode <class EnumConflictMode> : The parameter setting mode, which decides to inherit parameters from previous template setting or overwrite previous settings and replace by new template.

Return Value
error <tuple> : error_code = error[0], error_message = error[1], if error_code != EnumErrorCode.DBR_OK, you can get the detailed error message by error_message.

Code Snippet

from dbr import *
reader = BarcodeReader()

error = reader.init_runtime_settings_with_file(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Dynamsoft\{Version number}\Templates\RuntimeSettings.json")

if error[0] != 0:

error = reader.append_template_file_to_runtime_settings(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Dynamsoft\{Version number}\Templates\RuntimeSettings_2.json", EnumConflictMode.CM_OVERWRITE)

if error[0] != 0:


Append a new template string to the current runtime settings.

BarcodeReader.append_template_string_to_runtime_settings(json_string, conflict_mode) 


[in] json_string <str> : A JSON string that represents the content of the settings.
[in] conflict_mode <class EnumConflictMode> : The parameter setting mode, which decides to inherit parameters from previous template setting or overwrite previous settings and replace by new template.

Return Value

error <tuple> : error_code = error[0], error_message = error[1], if error_code != EnumErrorCode.DBR_OK, you can get the detailed error message by error_message.

Code Snippet

from dbr import *
reader = BarcodeReader()

error = reader.init_runtime_settings_with_string('{"Version":"3.0", "ImageParameter":{"Name":"IP1", "BarcodeFormatIds":["BF_QR_CODE"], "ExpectedBarcodesCount":10}}')

if error[0] != 0:
error = reader.append_template_string_to_runtime_settings('{"Version":"3.0", "ImageParameter":{"Name":"IP2", "BarcodeFormatIds":["BF_ONED"], "ExpectedBarcodesCount":10}}', EnumConflictMode.CM_OVERWRITE)

if error[0] != 0:


Gets all parameter template names.


Return Value

template_names <list[str]> : all parameter template names

Code Snippet

from dbr import *
reader = BarcodeReader()

error = reader.init_runtime_settings_with_string('{"Version":"3.0", "ImageParameter":{"Name":"IP1", "BarcodeFormatIds":["BF_QR_CODE"], "ExpectedBarcodesCount":10}}')

if error[0] != 0:
error = reader.append_template_string_to_runtime_settings('{"Version":"3.0", "ImageParameter":{"Name":"IP2", "BarcodeFormatIds":["BF_ONED"], "ExpectedBarcodesCount":10}}', EnumConflictMode.CM_OVERWRITE)

if error[0] != 0:

template_names = reader.get_all_template_names()
print('There have {0} templates.'.format(len(template_names)))
for i, template_name in range(len(template_names)), template_names:
    print("{0} : {1}".format(i+1, template_name))


Output runtime settings to a settings file (JSON file).



[in] save_file_path <str> : The path of the output file which stores current settings.

Return Value

error <tuple> : error_code = error[0], error_message = error[1], if error_code != EnumErrorCode.DBR_OK, you can get the detailed error message by error_message.

Code Snippet

from dbr import *
reader = BarcodeReader()

error = reader.init_runtime_settings_with_string('{"Version":"3.0", "ImageParameter":{"Name":"IP1", "BarcodeFormatIds":["BF_QR_CODE"], "ExpectedBarcodesCount":10}}')

if error[0] != 0:
    error = reader.output_settings_to_json_file(r'template_output.json')


Output runtime settings to a string.


Return Value

settings_string <str> : The output string which stores the contents of current settings.

Code Snippet

from dbr import *
reader = BarcodeReader()

error = reader.init_runtime_settings_with_string('{"Version":"3.0", "ImageParameter":{"Name":"IP1", "BarcodeFormatIds":["BF_QR_CODE"], "ExpectedBarcodesCount":10}}')

if error[0] != 0:
    json_output = reader.output_settings_to_json_string()

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