How to Improve Healthcare Inefficiencies with Barcode and Image Capture Technology

Jan 11, 2020

Despite having Electronic Health Records (EHR), the use of paperwork in healthcare organizations remains stronger than ever. Patient forms, nurse charting, and doctors notes will continue to be written by hand well into the foreseeable future.

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As a result of having both analog and digital processes, healthcare organizations continue to face a myriad of inefficiencies that cost hospitals money and impact patient care. So, addressing this problem and taking measures to resolve it is paramount. Traditional media channels аrе giving wау tо “personalized” digital channels thаt utilize keywords, digital communities аnd digital media іn thеіr provision оf marketing messages. Prospective patients nо longer simply refer tо thеіr yellow pages, newspapers оr radio аnd network television іn making thеіr medical service purchases, rаthеr thеу аrе relying оn thеіr online “friends” аѕ referral sources аnd оn targeted websites thаt hаvе whаt thеу аrе searching fоr.

using paper in healthcare stats

EHR vendors would do well to embrace barcodes and optical character recognition (OCR) into their solutions. These robust and established technologies can bridge the gap between analog and digital processes and help fuel EHR comfort and adoption.

This ebook helps healthcare administrators understand the technologies behind EHR and the steps necessary for enabling adoption and implementation. The ebook covers the following topics:

  • Chapter 1: The ultimate enabling technologies behind Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Most organizations continue to experience paperwork inefficiencies and the healthcare industry is arguably the top suffering sector for it. Thus, whether by regulation or not, healthcare organizations are more and more desperate for relief from paperwork via electronic health record (EHR) solutions that consist of two fundamental technologies, Scan and Barcode.

  • Chapter 2: How EHR users interact with fundamental technologies

Another mature technology which can be utilized to greatly enrich an EHR application is optical character recognition. It’s also very important to examine the possible ways a user would interact with these technologies in the application, a few examples include document routing, inventory, asset tracking, and authentication.

  • Chapter 3: 4 EHR technical requirements

There is clear time and cost savings benefits in using scanning, barcodes, and OCR. But, there are various things to consider when choosing a solution for each. Start with drafting the detailed platform requirements of the EHR system you use or plan to use. This includes any desktop, web or mobile application, or a combination of any of these.

  • Chapter 4: Optimization methods and important regulatory requirements

To maximize EHR effectiveness one can employ various optimization methods. Barcode usage is a significant component in EHR workflow so enhancing this part would greatly improve the overall system performance. One can’t ignore the compliance and specifications when it comes to the healthcare industry. Same applies to the software it uses. We must be aware of and take steps to comply with relevant laws, policies, and regulations.

  • Chapter 5: Where to start with EHR implementation

Today, there is a push to innovate away from desktops, paperwork, and similar workflow items without regard to considering how entrenched they remain to everyday business. The call to action is ensuring integration with cloud and mobile technologies. However, desktop uses still remain as dominant as ever.

  • Chapter 6: Getting EHR satisfaction through a successful adoption process

Finally, we are at the last step to getting EHR satisfaction. In order to get there, we need to decide who will be implementing the EHR requirements to ensure a successful adoption process.

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