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You are reading a history page of DynamsoftCore. Start from v3.2.10, the IntermediateResultManager class is moved to the DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouter module. View the DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouter.IntermediateResultManager for the latest version.

The IntermediateResultManager class is responsible for handling intermediate results obtained during the process of an image. It offers methods to both register and deregister receivers of these intermediate results, as well as to retrieve the original image data.


Namespace: com.dynamsoft.core.intermediate_results

Assembly: DynamsoftCore.aar

class IntermediateResultManager


Method Description
addResultReceiver Adds a IntermediateResultReceiver object as the receiver of intermediate results.
removeResultReceiver Removes the specified IntermediateResultReceiver object.
getOriginalImage Retrieves the original image data.


Adds a IntermediateResultReceiver object as the receiver of intermediate results.

void addResultReceiver(IntermediateResultReceiver receiver);


[in] receiver: A delegate object of IntermediateResultReceiver.


Removes the specified IntermediateResultReceiver object.

void removeResultReceiver(IntermediateResultReceiver receiver);


[in] receiver: A delegate object of IntermediateResultReceiver.


Retrieves the original image data.

ImageData getOriginalImage(String imageHashId);


[in] imageHashId: The image hash ID.

Return Value

The original image data, of type ImageData.

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