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DynamsoftUtility Module

The Utility module is defined in the namespace Dynamsoft.Utility. At present, it consists of the classes UtilityModule, ImageManager and MultiFrameResultCrossFilter.

UtilityModule Class

This class defines common functionality in the Utility module. At present, it has only one method.

Name Description
static getVersion() Returns the version of the Utility module.

ImageManager Class

The ImageManager class provides APIs for managing images. At present, it has only one API to save an image as a file.

Name Description
saveToFile Saves the specified image in either PNG or JPG format.

MultiFrameResultCrossFilter Class

The MultiFrameResultCrossFilter class provides APIs to configure the filtering of results from multiple images which have been processed consecutively. Usually these images are frames from a streaming video.

Name Description
enableLatestOverlapping() Enables or disables the to-the-latest overlapping feature of one or multiple specific result item types. This feature can increase the read-rate performance when decoding multiple barcodes under the video streaming.
isLatestOverlappingEnabled() Checks if to-the-latest overlapping is active for a given result item type.
enableResultCrossVerification() Enables or disables the verification of specific result item types.
isResultCrossVerificationEnabled() Checks if verification is active for a given result item type.
enableResultDeduplication() Enables or disables the deduplication process for specific result item types.
isResultDeduplicationEnabled() Checks if deduplication is active for a given result item type.
setDuplicateForgetTime() Sets the interval during which duplicates are disregarded for specific result item types.
getDuplicateForgetTime() Retrieves the interval during which duplicates are disregarded for a given result item type.
setMaxOverlappingFrames() Set the maximum overlapping frames count for a given result item type.
getMaxOverlappingFrames() Get the maximum overlapping frames count for a given result item type.

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