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The LocalizedTextLineElement class represents a localized text line element. It inherits from the RegionObjectElement class.


Namespace: com.dynamsoft.dlr.intermediate_results

Assembly: DynamsoftLabelRecognizer.aar

class LocalizedTextLineElement extends RegionObjectElement

Inheritance: RegionObjectElement -> LocalizedTextLineElement


Method Description
getCharacterQuads Returns the Quadrilaterals for each character in the text line.
getRowNumber Returns the row number of the text line, starting from 1.

The following methods are inherited from the RegionObjectElement class:

Method Description
getLocation Returns the location of the region object, represented as a quadrilateral.
setLocation Sets the location of the region object.
getReferencedElement Returns the referenced element that supports the capturing of this element.
getRegionObjectElementType Returns the type of the region object element, defined by the enumeration DSRegionObjectElementType.


Returns the Quadrilaterals for each character in the text line.

Quadrilateral[] getCharacterQuads()

Return value

The Quadrilaterals for each character in the text line.


Returns the row number of the text line, starting from 1.

int getRowNumber()

Return value

The row number of the text line.

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