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The RecognizedTextLineElement class extends the RegionObjectElement class and represents a recognized text line element.


Namespace: com.dynamsoft.dlr.intermediate_results

Assembly: DynamsoftLabelRecognizer.aar

class RecognizedTextLineElement extends RegionObjectElement

Inheritance: RegionObjectElement -> RecognizedTextLineElement


Method Description
getText Returns the recognized text of the line.
getConfidence Returns the confidence score for the recognized text line.
getCharacterResults Returns all the results for individual characters within the text line.
getRowNumber Returns the row number of the text line, starting from 1.
setText Sets the recognized text of the line.
getSpecificationName Returns the name of the TextLineSpecification object that generated this TextLineResultItem.
getRawText Returns the recognized raw text, excluding any concatenation separators.


Returns the recognized text of the line.

String getText()

Return value

The recognized text of the line.


Returns the confidence score for the recognized text line.

int getConfidence()

Return value

The confidence score for the recognized text line.


Returns all the results for individual characters within the text line, defined by CharacterResult.

CharacterResult[] getCharacterResults();

Return value

The results for individual characters within the text line, defined by CharacterResult.


Returns the row number of the text line, starting from 1.

int getRowNumber();

Return value

The row number of the text line, starting from 1.


Sets the recognized text of the line.

void setText(String text);


text: The text to be set.


Returns the name of the TextLineSpecification object that generated this TextLineResultItem.

String getSpecificationName();

Return value

The name of the TextLineSpecification object that generated this TextLineResultItem.


Returns the recognized raw text, excluding any concatenation separators.

String getRawText();

Return value

The recognized raw text, excluding any concatenation separators.

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