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The RecognizedTextLinesResult class represents the overall result(s) of a text recognition process. It provides access to information about the recognized text lines, the original image, and any errors that occurred during the recognition process.


Namespace: com.dynamsoft.dlr

Assembly: DynamsoftLabelRecognizer.aar

class RecognizedTextLinesResult


Method Description
getOriginalImageHashId Gets the hash ID of the original image.
getOriginalImageTag Gets the tag of the original image.
getItems Gets the text line result item at the specified index.
getRotationTransformMatrix Get the rotation transformation matrix of the original image relative to the rotated image.
getErrorCode Gets the error code of the recognition result, if an error occurred.
getErrorMessage Gets the error message of the recognition result, if an error occurred.


Get the hash id of the original image. You can use this ID to get the original image via the IntermediateResultManager class.

String getOriginalImageHashId();

Return value

Returns the hash ID of the original image as a string.


Get the ImageTag of the original image. The image tag contains info about the image such as the image ID and the image capture distance mode.

ImageTag getOriginalImageTag();

Return value

An ImageTag object that contain the image extra info.


Gets all the text line result(s) recognized from the image/frame in an array of DSTextLineResultItem.

TextLineResultItem[] getItems();

Return value

Returns an array of TextLineResultItem that contains all text line recognition results.


Get the rotation transformation matrix of the original image relative to the rotated image.

Matrix getRotationTransformMatrix();

Return Value

A Matrix which represents the rotation transform matrix.


Gets the error code of the recognition result, if an error occurred.

int getErrorCode();

Return value

Returns the error code of the recognition result, or 0 if no error occurred.


Gets the error message of the recognition result, if an error occurred.

String getErrorMessage();

Return value

Returns a string that describes the error message.

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