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How to Upgrade

From Version 2.x to 3.x

Dynamsoft Label Recognizer SDK has been refactored to integrate with DynamsoftCaptureVision (DCV) architecture. To upgrade from version 2.x or earlier to 3.x, we recommend you to follow the User Guide and re-write your codes.

Update the Libraries to 3.x Version

The Dynamsoft Label Recognizer SDK has been split into multiple libraries from the previous single library, and the dependency configuration in the app\build.gradle file needs to be updated accordingly.

  • Local Dependency Put the following aar files into libs directory and update app\build.gradle file:

    • DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouter.aar
    • DynamsoftLabelRecognizer.aar
    • DynamsoftImageProcessing.aar
    • DynamsoftNeuralNetwork.aar
    • DynamsoftCore.aar
    • DynamsoftLicense.aar
    • DynamsoftCameraEnhancer.aar(optional)
    • DynamsoftUtility.aar(optional)

      dependencies {
          implementation fileTree(include: ['*.aar'], dir: 'libs')   
  • Remote Dependency(Maven) update app\build.gradle file:

      dependencies {
         implementation 'com.dynamsoft:dynamsoftlabelrecognizerbundle:{version-number}'

    Note: Please view user guide for the correct version number.

Update the License Activation Code

  • Java code in 2.x:
LicenseManager.initLicense("Put your license here", this, new LicenseVerificationListener() {
    public void licenseVerificationCallback(boolean isSuccess, CoreException error) {
        if (!isSuccess) {
  • Java code in 3.x:
LicenseManager.initLicense("Put your license here", this, new LicenseVerificationListener() {
    public void onLicenseVerified(boolean isSuccess, Exception error) {

Update Single Image Recognizing APIs

The APIs for recognizing text from single image has been adjusted as follows:

Old APIs New APIs
LabelRecognizer.recognizeFile CaptureVisionRouter.capture(String filePath, String templateName)
LabelRecognizer.recognizeFileInMemory CaptureVisionRouter.capture(byte[] fileBytes, String templateName)
LabelRecognizer.recognizeBuffer CaptureVisionRouter.capture(ImageData imageData, String templateName)
LabelRecognizer.recognizeImage CaptureVisionRouter.capture(Bitmap bitmap, String templateName)
class DLRResult class CapturedResult/class RecognizedTextLinesResult

Update Video Streaming Recognizing APIs

The APIs for recognizing video frames has been adjusted as follows:

Old APIs New APIs
LabelRecognizer.setImageSource CaptureVisionRouter.setInput
LabelRecognizer.startScanning CaptureVisionRouter.startCapturing
LabelRecognizer.stopScanning CaptureVisionRouter.stopCapturing
LabelRecognizer.setLabelResultListener CaptureVisionRouter.addResultReceiver
interface ImageSource interface ImageSourceAdapter
interface LabelResultListener interface CapturedResultReceiver
class DLRLineResult class TextLineResultItem

Migrate Your Templates

The template system is upgraded. The template you used for the previous version can’t be directly recognized by the new version. Please contact us to upgrade your template.

The template-based APIs have been updated as follows:

Old APIs New APIs
LabelRecognizer.initRuntimeSettingsFromFile CaptureVisionRouter.initSettingsFromFile
LabelRecognizer.initRuntimeSettings CaptureVisionRouter.initSettings
LabelRecognizer.outputRuntimeSettingsToFile CaptureVisionRouter.outputSettingsToFile
LabelRecognizer.outputRuntimeSettings CaptureVisionRouter.outputSettings
LabelRecognizer.resetRuntimeSettings CaptureVisionRouter.resetSettings

Migrate Your DLRRuntimeSettings

The class DLRRuntimeSettings has been refactored. It retains commonly used properties while removing the previously complex property settings, which are now exclusively supported through templates.

The APIs for accessing and updating DLRRuntimeSettings has been adjusted as follows:

Old APIs New APIs
LabelRecognizer.getRuntimeSettings CaptureVisionRouter.getSimplifiedSettings
LabelRecognizer.updateRuntimeSettings CaptureVisionRouter.updateSettings

Migrate to SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings

The following properties are replaced by similar properties under SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings. They can also be set via a template file(String).

PublicRuntimeSettings Property SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings Property Template File Parameter
textArea roi & roiMeasuredInPercentage TargetROIDef.Location.Offset
timeout timeout CaptureVisionTemplates.Timeout

Migrate to SimplifiedLabelRecognizerSettings

The following properties are replaced by similar properties under SimplifiedLabelRecognizerSettings. The majority of them can also be set via a template file(String).

PublicRuntimeSettings Property SimplifiedLabelRecognizerSettings Property Template File Parameter
characterModelName characterModelName LabelRecognizerTaskSetting.CharacterModelName
maxThreadCount maxThreadsInOneTask LabelRecognizerTaskSetting.MaxThreadsInOneTask
FurtherModes Property SimplifiedLabelRecognizerSettings Property Template File Parameter
grayscaleTransformationModes grayscaleTransformationModes ImageParameter.GrayscaleTransformationModes
grayscaleEnhancementModes grayscaleEnhancementModes ImageParameter.GrayscaleEnhancementModes

Migrate to Template File

The following properties can only be set via a template file. Please contact us so that we can help you to transform your current settings to a new template file.

PublicRuntimeSettings Property Template File Parameter
binarizationModes ImageParameter.BinarizationModes
dictionaryPath LabelRecognizerTaskSettings.DictionaryPath
dictionaryCorrectionThreshold LabelRecognizerTaskSettings.DictionaryCorrectionThreshold
PublicRuntimeSettings.furtherModes Property Template File Parameter
colourConversionModes ImageParameter.ColourConversionModes
regionPredetectionModes ImageParameter.RegionPredetectionModes
textureDetectionModes ImageParameter.TextureDetectionModes

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