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The DSRecognizedTextLinesUnit class represents an intermediate result unit containing recognized text lines. It inherits from the DSIntermediateResultUnit class.


Assembly: DynamsoftLabelRecognizer.xcframework

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @interface DSRecognizedTextLinesUnit: DSIntermediateResultUnit
  2. class RecognizedTextLinesUnit: IntermediateResultUnit

Inheritance: DSIntermediateResultUnit -> DSRecognizedTextLinesUnit


Method Description
addRecognizedTextLine Adds a recognized text line.
getRecognizedTextLines Get all the recognized text lines in an array of DSRecognizedTextLineElement.
getCount Returns the number of text lines in this unit.
getRecognizedTextLine Returns the text line at the specified index in a DSRecognizedTextLineElement object.
removeAllRecognizedTextLines Removes all the recognized text lines from this unit.
removeRecognizedTextLine Removes the recognized text line at the specified index.
setRecognizedTextLine(index, element, matrixToOriginalImage) Sets the recognized text line at the specified index.
setRecognizedTextLine(element, matrixToOriginalImage) Sets the recognized text line at the specified index.


Adds a recognized text line.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. -(NSInteger)addRecognizedTextLine:(DSRecognizedTextLineElement*)element
  2. func addRecognizedTextLine(_ element: RecognizedTextLineElement, matrixToOriginalImage: CGAffineTransform) -> Int


element: The DSRecognizedTextLineElement object to be added.

matrixToOriginalImage: The matrix to transform the original image.

Return value

Returns the ErrorCode if failed. Otherwise, returns 0.


All the recognized text lines of this unit in an array of DSRecognizedTextLineElement.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @property (nonatomic, nullable, copy) NSArray<DSRecognizedTextLineElement*>* recognizedTextLines;
  2. var recognizedTextLines: [RecognizedTextLineElement]? { get }


Gets all the recognized text lines in an array of DSRecognizedTextLineElement.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. - (NSArray<DSRecognizedTextLineElement*>*)getRecognizedTextLines;
  2. func getRecognizedTextLines() -> [RecognizedTextLineElement]?

Return value

All the recognized text lines in an array of DSRecognizedTextLineElement.


Returns the number of text lines in this unit.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. - (NSInteger)getCount;
  2. func getCount() -> Int

Return value

The number of text lines in this unit.


Returns the text line at the specified index in a DSRecognizedTextLineElement object.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. - (nullable DSRecognizedTextLineElement*)getRecognizedTextLine:(NSInteger)index;
  2. func getRecognizedTextLine(_ index: Int) -> RecognizedTextLineElement?


index: The index of the text line in this unit.

Return value

The text line at the specified index in a DSRecognizedTextLineElement object.


Removes all the recognized text lines from this unit.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. - (void)removeAllRecognizedTextLines;
  2. func removeAllRecognizedTextLines()


Removes the RecognizedTextLineElement at the specified index.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. -(NSInteger)removeRecognizedTextLine:(NSInteger)index;
  2. func removeRecognizedTextLine(_ index: Int) -> Int


index: The index of the recognized text line to remove.

Return value

Returns the ErrorCode if failed. Otherwise, returns 0.

setRecognizedTextLine(index, element, matrixToOriginalImage)

Sets the text line at the specified index in a DSRecognizedTextLineElement object.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. -(NSInteger)setRecognizedTextLine:(NSInteger)index
  2. func setRecognizedTextLine(_ index: Int, element: RecognizedTextLineElement, matrixToOriginalImage: CGAffineTransform) -> Int


index: The index of the recognized text line to set.

element: The DSRecognizedTextLineElement object to be set.

matrixToOriginalImage: The matrix to transform the original image.

Return value

Returns the ErrorCode if failed. Otherwise, returns 0.

setRecognizedTextLine(element, matrixToOriginalImage)

This method is deprecated.

Sets the text line at the specified index in a DSRecognizedTextLineElement object.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. - (NSInteger)setRecognizedTextLine:(DSRecognizedTextLineElement*)element
  2. func setRecognizedTextLine(_ element: RecognizedTextLineElement, matrixToOriginalImage: CGAffineTransform) -> Int


element: The DSRecognizedTextLineElement object to be set.

matrixToOriginalImage: The matrix to transform the original image.

Return value

Returns the ErrorCode if failed. Otherwise, returns 0.

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