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ScaleDownThreshold defines the threshold for image shrinking. It is defined as below:

Value Type Value Range Default Value Template Structure Type
int [512, 0x7fffffff] 2300 ImageParameter

If the shorter edge size is larger than the given value, the library will calculate the required height and width of the barcode image and shrink the image to that size before localization. Otherwise, it will perform barcode localization on the original image.

Setting Methods

ScaleDownThreshold is supported to be set through RuntimeSetting or JSON template.

As PublicRuntimeSettings Member

ScaleDownThreshold can be set dynamically during runtime as a member of PublicRuntimeSettings struct.

Code Snippet in C++

//...other codes
PublicRuntimeSettings* pSettings = new PublicRuntimeSettings;
int errorCode = reader->GetRuntimeSettings(pSettings);
pSettings->scaleDownThreshold = 2300;
delete pSettings;
//...other codes

See Also

As JSON Parameter

ScaleDownThreshold as a JSON parameter is a number value defined as below.

Key Name Key Value
ScaleDownThreshold A number from [512, 0x7fffffff]

JSON Example

    "ScaleDownThreshold": 2300

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